Environmental graphic design

Environmental graphic design (EGD or Experiential Graphic Design) is a design profession embracing many design disciplines including graphic design, architecture, industrial design and landscape architecture. Practitioners in this field are concerned with the visual aspects of wayfinding, communicating identity and brands, information design, and shaping a sense of place. The word environmental refers to graphic design as part of creating the built environment, not to the natural environment or environmental engineering. Because of the confusion between the two, the field is now becoming known as "Experiential Graphic Design".[1]

Some examples of work produced by experiential graphic designers include the design and planning of sign programs, wayfinding consulting, exhibit and interpretive design, entertainment environments, retail design, information and map design, as well as memorial and donor recognition programs.[2]

The field developed from origins in signage and branding and requires practitioners to be familiar with communication and information design as well as relevant materials, processes and fabrication, in addition to building codes and project-specific standards requirements. EGD practitioners are frequently trained in design professions such as graphic design, industrial design, architecture, or interior design, and practice in a firm or organization where this work is performed. Currently no certification exists in this profession. There is a professional association for designers in this field called the Society for Experiential Graphic Design, or SEGD.[3]


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