Environment and Conservation Organisations of Aotearoa New Zealand

ECO logo.

The Environment and Conservation Organisations of Aotearoa New Zealand (ECO) was formed in 1971 under the name of CoEnCo and changed its name to ECO in 1976.

It is a non-profit umbrella group and network of around 50 organisations and publish ecolink (ISSN 1174-0671), a quarterly newsletter sent out to members and supporters.

Member organisations

  • Action for Environment Inc.
  • Appropriate Technology for Living Association
  • Bay of Islands Coastal Watchdog
  • Bay of Islands Maritime Park
  • Baywatch Hawkes Bay Environment Group
  • Buller Conservation Group
  • Civic Trust Auckland
  • Clean Stream Waiheke
  • Conscious Consumers
  • Coromandel Watchdog of Hauraki
  • Cycling Advocates' Network
  • East Harbour Environmental Association
  • Eastern Bay of Islands Preservation Society
  • EcoMatters Environment Trust
  • Engineers for Social Responsibility
  • Environmental Futures
  • Friends of Golden Bay
  • Friends of Lewis Pass and Hurunui Catchment
  • Friends of Nelson Haven and Tasman Bay
  • Friends of the Earth - NZ
  • Gecko - Victoria University Environment Group
  • Greenpeace Aotearoa New Zealand
  • Guardians of Pauatahanui Inlet
  • Initial Volco Trust
  • Island Bay Marine Education Centre
  • Kaipatiki Project
  • Marlborough Environment Centre INC
  • Monarch Butterfly NZ Trust
  • National Council of Women of NZ
  • Nelson Environment Centre
  • North Canterbury branch Forest & Bird
  • Orari River Protection Group (Inc)
  • Organics Aotearoa New Zealand
  • Pacific Institute of Resource Management
  • RESPONSE Trust
  • Save the Otago Peninsula
  • Soil & Health Association of NZ
  • South Coast Environment Society
  • Students for Environmental Action
  • Surfbreak Protection Society
  • Sustainable Whanganui Trust
  • Te Aroha Earthwatch
  • Thames Coast Preservation and Protection Society
  • The Sandy Walker Group
  • Wellington Botanical Society INC
  • Wellington Tramping and Mountaineering Club
  • West Coast Environment Network
  • Whaingaroa Environment Centre
  • Wildlife Society, NZVA
  • Yellow Eyed Penguin Trust

As well as these member groups, ECO has around 500 'Friends' of ECO, made up of individuals and other groups. ECO relies on funding from membership, grants and donations for its work.

See also

External links