Enlargement of the Arab League

Arab League Enlargements

1945-founding members: Egypt, Jordan, Iraq, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Syria, North Yemen

1958 – Third Enlargement: Morocco, Tunisia

1971 – Seventh Enlargement: UAE, Oman, Bahrain, Qatar

1993- Twelfth (Latest) Enlargement: Comoros ---
2011- Shrinkage: Separation of South Sudan

The Arab League was established in 1945 with 7 founding states, and today the League has 22 members. The League witnessed 11 enlargements, with the largest in 1971 with four members of the Arab states of the Persian Gulf joining the League.

Future enlargements

Future enlargements are not clear now, with only three Arabic-speaking countries remaining out of the League - Eritrea, Chad, and Israel. Due to a clause in the Charter of the Arab League that accords the right of territories that have splintered off from an Arab League member state to join the organization,[1] the nascent South Sudan has been assured full membership in the Arab League should the country's government choose to seek it.[2] Alternatively, the nation could opt for observer status.[3]

To be considered for membership, Eritrea needs to improve its relations with other neighboring members of the organization, including Djibouti, Sudan and Somalia. Chad's candidacy was endorsed by the Egyptian government under Hosni Mubarak in 2010[4] Chad applied for membership on March 25 2014.[5]

Israel could qualify for membership, as it uses Arabic as an official language (around 20% of the population is Israeli Arabs, and another 30-40% is believed to have at least a passive knowledge of Judeo-Arabic languages). However, given the Arab League's boycott of Israel over the Arab–Israeli conflict, and the lack of diplomatic relations between Israel and the majority of Arab League member states, Israel is unlikely to join the organisation in the near future.

A representative of the South Sudanese administration indicated that South Sudan would not be joining the League since the government believes that the territory does not meet the pre-conditions necessary for inclusion; specifically, that "the League requires that the countries must be Arabic speaking countries that consider Arabic language the main language of the nation; on top of that, the league also requires that the people of that particular country must believe that they are actually Arabs. The people of Southern Sudan are not of Arabic origin, so I don’t think there will be anybody in Southern Sudan who will consider joining the Arab league".[6]

History of the enlargements

See also


  1. South Sudan “entitled to join Arab League”
  2. "South Sudan "entitled to join Arab League"". Sudan Tribune. 12 June 2011. Retrieved 8 July 2011.
  3. El-Husseini, Asmaa (7 July 2011). "Hoping for the best". Al-Ahram. Retrieved 8 July 2011.
  4. "Egyptian FM welcomes Chad to join AL". People's Daily Online. 11 October 2010. Retrieved 25 August 2011.
  5. "South Sudan and Chad apply to join the Arab League". 25 March 2014. Retrieved 13 May 2014.
  6. Southern Sudan Will Not Join The Arab League Of States
  7. "Interview: Egypt's first ambassador to South Sudan says things there are under control". Retrieved 29 August 2011.