Engineers Without Borders (Palestine)
Engineers Without Borders (EWB) Palestine (or EWB-Palestine) is a Palestine-based registered charity and NGO. Its mission is to "partner with Palestinian disadvantaged communities to improve their quality of life through the implementation of environmentally and economically sustainable engineering projects, while developing internationally responsible engineers and engineering students." [1]
EWB-Palestine is the Palestinian national representative within the Engineers Without Borders International Group.[2]
EWB-Palestine History
In August 2005, EWB-Palestine was created as a provisional member of EWB-International. In July 2006, it was registered as a nonprofit organization with the Ministry of the Interior in Palestine. In September 2008, EWB-Palestine was represented on the EWB-International board of directors.[3]
Mission & Aims
EWB-Palestine's mission is to facilitate human development through engineering. Its goals are to:
- educate, and raise the awareness of, students and others about issues in human development;
- promote research related to, and actively contribute towards, engineering solutions for human development;
- provide an ongoing supply of competent and knowledgeable professional development workers, and;
- become a mark of excellence for those looking to become involved with development work.