Energy sword

An energy sword (sometimes also referred to as a "beam sword" or "laser sword") is a fictional type of "sword-based" directed energy weapon whose blade consists of, or is augmented by, concentrated energy. Energy swords can be considered the melee weapon equivalent of rayguns. Though less common than rayguns, energy swords are still fairly common in works of speculative fiction, especially science fiction.


The lightsaber is the signature weapon of Jedi and Sith in the Star Wars universe. Its blade is a beam of concentrated energy. Typically consisting of a single hilt and blade, there are a few variant forms of lightsaber, such as the double-bladed version wielded by Darth Maul, and the short-bladed lightsaber, a wakizashi equivalent introduced in the Knights of the Old Republic series.

In the Gundam series, the "beam saber" is the signature melee weapon of nearly all Gundams and many other mobile suits in the franchise's history.

The Halo series of video games has energy swords which somewhat resemble large, double-bladed push daggers. Their curved hilts include batteries which power the energy and plasma that make up the blades. The batteries can become depleted, necessitating recharging. Since the Halo games are first-person shooters, gameplay mostly focuses on the use of projectile weapons, but the energy sword provides a melee alternative for players and non-player characters.

Super Smash Bros. video games feature a "beam sword" among the items characters can use in fights. Beam swords resemble lightsabers, though their blades are always visible and don't retract.

See also

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