Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential

Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential

Cover of the first 1976 edition
Author Editorial team
Country Belgium
Language English
Subject Humankind problems and solutions
Genre Encyclopedia
Publisher Union of International Associations
Publication date
Media type Print from 1976 to 1995, CD-ROM in 1995, online since 2000

The Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential is published by the Union of International Associations (UIA) under the direction of Anthony Judge. It is available as a three-volume book,[1] as a CD-ROM,[2] and online.[3][4]

The Encyclopedia was started in 1972 and now comprises more than 100,000 entries and 700,000 links, as well as 500 pages of introductory notes and commentaries. The Encyclopedia collects information on problems, strategies, values, concepts of human development, and various intellectual resources.

Databases, entries, and interlinks

The Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential is made up from data gathered from many sources. Those data are grouped into various databases which constitute the backbone of the Encyclopedia. The databases are searchable; query results may be seen as lists or as various visualizations.

List of databases

Basic universal problems include danger, lack of information, social injustice, war, environmental degradation.
Cross-sectoral problems include animal suffering, irresponsible nationalism, soil degradation.
Detailed problems include detention of mothers, epidemics, white-collar crime.
Emanations of other problems include terrorism targeted against tourists, injustice of mass trials, threatened species of Caudata.
Fuzzy exceptional problems include blaming victims, pacifism, unconstrained free trade.
Very specific problems include blue baby, tomato mottle virus, costly uniforms.
Problems under consideration include feminist backlash, mudslide.
Suspect problems include threatened species of Zapus hudsonius preblei, uncommitted volunteer workers.

Abstract fundamental strategies include compromising, transcending, providing.
Basic universal strategies include eliminating discrimination, combating desertification, reducing unemployment.
Cross-sectoral strategies include orienting economic policy toward social need, managing crises.
Detailed strategies include establishing national government NGO departments, using psychological warfare.
Emanations of other strategies include lifting restrictions on human rights advocacy, reviewing provisions of the UN Charter.
Exceptional strategies include begging, rechanneling expenditures on defence, advocating nihilism.
Very specific strategies include working with young people, undertaking public works.
Unconfirmed strategies include abolishing zoos, ventilating air through buildings.
Provisional strategies include developing chest radiology, preserving internal political borders.
Strategy polarities include deepening-shallowing, intuiting-reasoning, supporting-opposing.
Strategy roles include advisor, traitor, confessor.
Strategy types or complexes include communication, judgement, time.

Constructive values include peace, harmony, beauty.
Destructive values include conflict, depravity, ugliness.
Value polarities include agreement-disagreement, freedom-restraint, pleasure-displeasure.
Value clusters include feeling complex, interaction complex, communication complex.

Concepts of human development include vocational training, benevolence, emancipation of the self.
Modes of awareness include compassion, sense of shame, conviction, sense of humor.

Communication: Forms of presentation include animation, statistical indicators, prophecy.
Metaphors include ball games, sexual intercourse, personification, stick and carrot processes.
Patterns (Christopher Alexander) include encirclement, internal connectedness between domains, partially isolated contexts.
Symbols include birds, food-related objects, sacred calendar.
Transformative conferencing includes aggressive participant type, lecture, team roles.
Transformative metaphors (I Ching) include creativity, receptivity, inexperience.

Entries and links

The Encyclopedia online databases consist of over 100,000 entries (also called profiles) and 700,000 links. An entry, for instance War, may include the following elements:[5][6][7][8]
1) name, alternative names, nature or definition, background or context, incidence (for problems) or implementation (for strategies), claim of importance, counter-claim, quotations or aphorisms (for values);
2) links to the same database entries that are more general (broader), more specific (narrower), related (in some as yet unspecified manner), preceding (aggravating or reducing problems, constraining or facilitating strategies, prior modes of awareness), following (aggravated or reduced problems, constrained or facilitated strategies, subsequent modes of awareness);
3) cross-reference links, mainly between entries in the Problems, Strategies, Values, and Development databases;
4) links to entries in other UIA databases, mainly the International Organizations database;
5) reference links to entries in the Bibliography (issues) database;
6) links to relevant websites.

Notes and commentaries within the Encyclopedia projects

The Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential contains nearly 500 pages[9] of introductory notes and commentaries. Some of them just provide readers with usual information about the work content and its organization. Most of them, however, represent extensive reports on the exploratory work done by the editors in eight projects (also called research areas, or sections). Here are those projects, with illustrative examples of key ideas figuring in the notes and commentaries.

Encyclopedia of world problems and human potential project

A first objective of the editors in that project[4] is to collect and present information on the following topics: the problems with which humanity perceives itself to be faced; the organizational, human, and intellectual resources it believes it has at its disposal; the values by which it is believed any change should be guided; the concepts of human development considered to be either the means or the end of any such social transformation. A second objective is to clarify the conceptual challenge of interrelating such plentiful and disparate or even contradictory information. A third objective is to enable alternation between viewpoints from different cultures, ideologies, beliefs and even "facts", as a way for individuals and societies to become empowered with an appropriate response to the problematic conditions of the moment.[10][11][12]

It is the disagreement amongst the advocates of different approaches to problems or solutions which hinders the formation of any consensual strategy and the mobilization of adequate resources. That is why the Encyclopedia uses an approach that is as general and minimally structured as is feasible without losing coherence and utility. The intent is first to contribute to clarify the nature, extent, and interrelationships of problems and solutions. Even the distinction between problems and solutions is not always clear. For instance, housing an increasing number of people is a solution that may aggravate the problem of urban overcrowding, and the death of individuals is a problem that contributes to the solution of reducing ecological impact of overpopulation.[13][14]

The Encyclopedia databases are much about how problems, strategies, values, development concepts, and organizations are linked together. As a result, the possibility of focusing on feedback loops has proven to be an important feature of the Encyclopedia, and a program has been carried out to identify "vicious problem loops". A vicious problem loop is a chain of problems, each aggravating the next, and with the last looping back to aggravate the first in the chain. Here is an example: Man-made disasters, Vulnerability of ecosystem niches, Natural environment degradation, Shortage of natural resources, Unbridled competition for scarce resources, Man-made disasters. Solutions that focus on only one problem in a chain may fail or even be harmful, because the cycle has the capacity to regenerate itself, and also because several cycles may interlock, forming tangled skeins of interlinked global problems. The loop detection program detected more than 50,000 loops (of up to 9 elements) in more than 12,000 problem profiles. It is thought that a similar work could be done about mutually facilitating or constraining strategy loops, so as to constitute a dynamic response to aggravating or reducing loops of problems through a circle of matching strategies.[15][16][17]

World problems and global issues

That project[18] endeavors to present all the phenomena in society that are perceived negatively by groups transcending national frontiers. Those phenomena constitute a challenge to creative remedial action. Groups are strongly motivated by the problems that infringe their values and arouse their indignation. As such, problems are a major stimulus driving the development of society. Although there is agreement that problems are numerous and that many are really serious, little effort has been made to determine how many problems there are. Likewise, while it is becoming increasingly evident that problems interact with one another, and constitute complex networks or systems, little effort has been made to map that complexity. The perceptions documented in that project raise useful questions concerning the nature and existence of problems, especially when other groups consider that one perception or another is irrelevant, misleading or misinformed. An aim of that research area, then, is to assemble information whose significance is collectively repressed, displaced onto some less threatening problems, or projected in the form of blame onto some other social group.[19][20]

Views concerning problems are extremely varied. Several pages in the notes and commentaries deal with that variety. Problems are agenda items for assemblies or conferences; action targets for organizations; issues for political parties or governments; events or topics for the media; markets for businesses; sins for religions; puzzles for sciences.[21] Problems can be viewed as synonymous with chaos and disorder, or as elements in an ordered array; as static or dynamic entities; as discrete or continuous phenomena; as objective things or subjective experiences; as directly experienceable phenomena or as indirect implications of seemingly innocent phenomena; as inherently comprehensible or incomprehensible entities; as the results of due processes or as spontaneous phenomena. For many people in the West problems may be considered as artifacts of concerned minds, about which reason, principles, or history are relevant, while in the East to conceive of life as presenting problems to be solved may be seen as a misconception of life.[22] Other pages of notes and commentaries deal extensively with the variety of points of view under headings such as Approaches to problems,[23] Beyond the problem-lobby mindset,[24] or Problem perception and levels of awareness.[25]

Global strategies and solutions

That project[26] aims at identifying the complete range of strategies perceived by constituencies acting at the international level.

The conventional way of addressing any problem situation is to elaborate a strategy, but given the number, variety and interrelationships of the problems, it is uncertain whether any conventional strategy could be adequate.[27] In general, many groups have "answers" to the current crisis. The proponents of each such answer naturally attach special importance to their own as being of crucial relevance at this time, or even as being the only appropriate basis for a viable world society in the future. However, that focus on "answer production", a vital moving force in society, obscures the manner in which such answers, in the absence of integration between them, undermine each other’s significance.[28]

It appears to the editors that the elements of the strategic challenge at this time include:

The strategic problem therefore is how to ensure that the appropriate organizational resources emerge, and are supported with appropriate conceptual tools, in response to emerging problem complexes. But it would seem that this must be achieved without organizing such response – for to the extent that any part of the network is organized, other parts will develop (and probably should develop) which favor alternative approaches. The challenge is therefore to clarify the conditions of a network strategy, i.e. an approach which facilitates or catalyses (rather than organizes) the development of organizational networks in response to problem networks, in the light of values perceived in various parts of the social system.[29]

Many pages of notes and commentaries describe in details various approaches to global strategies, and their limits. Such are Strategic ecosystem: beyond "The Plan",[30] Governance (a series of pages on reports from the Club of Rome, the Commission on Global Governance, and four others groups),[31] Strategic denial: action inhibition,[32] Post-crisis opportunities: range of strategies,[33] and Post-crisis opportunities: strategies in chaos.[34] A long series of pages explores how to "move beyond the unimodal answer and recognize that because each form of action has both strengths and weaknesses, the key to a more effectively multimodal answer lies in finding how to interrelate the various unimodal answers so that they correct for each others weaknesses and counteract each others excesses.” But, it must also be asked, is integrated action of any type feasible at this time? The exploration begins with Strategic appropriateness: questionable answers,[35] and finishes with Action implications: consensus, uncertainty and action formulation.[36] Conditions for progress in strategy-making are more explicitly brought up in pages such as Strategic ecosystem: integrating constraint and opposition,[37] and Post-crisis opportunities: in quest of radical coherence.[38]

Human values and wisdom

That project[39] aims at registering a complete range of values with which people identify, to which they are attracted or which they reject as abhorrent.[19] The notion of wisdom is explored as a way, an art, of dealing with value dilemmas. For instance, Complexity: understanding value systems[40] is a text that looks at values through a positive interpretation, a negative interpretation, a paradoxical negative interpretation of the positive, and a paradoxical positive interpretation of the negative. Another text, Insights: wisdom and requisite variety,[41] gives a list of several sources of wisdom which, in interrelation, may be required in a value system to ensure the long-term viability of a complex society.[42]

Human potential and development

The purpose of that project[43] is to provide profiles of human development approaches and modes of awareness, and their relationships, as perceived by different beliefs systems, disciplines, religions, and cultures. Much of the material in this section is about the limitations of language in expressing levels of significance beyond that which can be effectively captured by words, so that, seemingly, what we need to understand may only be expressible in a "language" that we do not know! That paradox is explored in a page entitled Language and the reconstruction of reality.[44] Other challenges relative to human potential and development are explored in pages such as Phases of human development through challenging problems,[45] or Barriers to transcendent insight and social transformation.[46]

Patterns and metaphors

The purpose of that project[47] is to review the range of communication possibilities of metaphor, pattern and symbol. New conceptual tools are required to configure very large quantities of information into patterns that are both memorable and meaningful, and metaphor is often the only means to deal comprehensibly with complexity.[48] Moreover, exploring “new ways of thinking” in the light of enhanced mental imagery (or mental model) appears indispensable inasmuch as furthering “mobilization of public opinion” and the “political will to change” is dependent upon insights that are too complex to be easily communicable.[49] For instance, limitations of dualistic thinking are well-known and holistic approaches may represent more desirable alternatives, but how is it possible to implement such alternatives? The page Challenge: transcending the "switch" metaphor deals with that question.[50]

Integrative knowledge and transdisciplinarity

The purpose of that project[51] is to assemble descriptions of the range of conceptual approaches which are considered integrative and which are held by some international constituencies to provide a key for strategic response to the global problematique. Buzzwords like "global", "networking" and "systematic" are often used as magical "words-of-power". Nevertheless, in a society characterized by specialization, fragmentation, disparateness, or opposition, integrative approaches until now have proved inadequate or too difficult to implement.[52] In order to go beyond that difficulty, it seems necessary to creatively introduce novelties, such as a science or art of disagreement that could clarify how to disagree intelligently rather than do so in a mindless manner requiring some form of violent or repressive reaction to eliminate the disagreement as soon as possible.[53] There is a wide variety of initiatives pertaining to integrative knowledge and transdisciplinarity, and a page like Significance: previous, parallel or related initiatives[54] presents several of them. With regard to interdisciplinary relationships between organizations, problems, strategies, values and human development, there is the Integrative Matrix of Human Preoccupations[55] which has been developed by the editors and which allows to deal with all those elements in an exploratory fashion.[56]

Transformative approaches to social organization

The purpose of that project[57] is to provide a context for the presentation of new approaches to the challenges highlighted in the other projects. The emphasis is on configuring information in new ways, through a variety of accessible techniques, so as to allow easier navigation through complexity, and so as to evoke imaginative insights in response to such complexity.[19][58] The Overview[59] page presents about forty of those approaches or techniques, including interactive database use, q-analysis, information visualization, confidence artistry, tensegrity organization, I Ching, transformative conferencing, or marriage between poetry and policy-making.


The project was originally conceived in 1972 by James Wellesley-Wesley,[60] who provided financial support through the foundation Mankind 2000,[61] and Anthony Judge, by whom the work was orchestrated.[62]

Work on the first edition started with funds from Mankind 2000, matching those of the UIA. The publisher Klaus Saur, of Munich, provided funds, in conjunction with those from the UIA, for work on the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th editions. Seed funding for the third volume of the 4th edition was also provided on behalf of Mankind 2000.[63] In the nineties, seed funding was provided, again on behalf of Mankind 2000, for computer equipment which subsequently allowed the UIA to develop a large website and make progressively available for free the Encyclopedia databases as from the 1994–1995 edition. In turn, this proven knowledge management capacity enabled the UIA, on the initiative of Nadia McLaren, a consultant ecologist who has been a primary editor for the Encyclopedia,[64] to successfully instigate two multi-partner projects funded by the European Union, with matching funds from the UIA. The work done through those two projects, Ecolynx: Information Context for Biodiversity Conservation[65] (mainly) and Interactive Health Ecology Access Links,[66] eventually resulted in what amounted to a fifth, web-based, edition of the Encyclopedia in 2000.[67] In their own ways, two other persons in particular effectively supported the project over the years: Robert Jungk of Mankind 2000, and Christian de Laet[68] of the UIA.[63][69]

The Encyclopedia was the fruit of a continuing processing of documents gathered from many of the thousands of the international organizations profiled in the Yearbook of International Organizations. Many such bodies regularly produce a wide range of material on the areas of their concern, many regularly send documents to the UIA, and many, when requested more specifically, supplied documents for the Encyclopedia. The following organizations provided documents in the greatest quantity: FAO, ILO, UNICEF, UNESCO, UNCTD, WHO, Commonwealth Secretariat, Council of Europe, OECD, World Bank group. Furthermore, the United Nations Library in Geneva facilitated access to other material over two decades.[69][70] The Institute of Cultural Affairs International was contractually associated at one point to the edition and other aspects of the Encyclopedia project.[63] The Goals, Processes and Indicators of Development project (led by Johan Galtung) of the United Nations University,[71] in which Anthony Judge participated on behalf of the UIA between 1978 and 1982, was an experience of learning and research that had a significant impact on the editorial content of the Encyclopedia.[63] Another noticeable influence came from futures studies, with which Judge has long been associated. He reports in Encyclopedia Illusions[62] how the narrow focus of the Club of Rome on a few socio-economic aspects of futures research prompted the much vaster exploration concerning world problems and human potential.

Anthony Judge was the architect and managing editor of the Encyclopedia. He was also the main author of the notes and commentaries. The principal editors over the years have been, for different editions, Jon Jenkins and Maureen Jenkins (who had also worked at the Institute of Cultural Affairs), Owen Victor, Jacqueline Nebel, Nadia McLaren, and Tomáš Fülöpp. There were also enthusiastic editorial contributions from volunteers. All people related to the UIA who worked directly on one or more of the five Encyclopedia editions figure on a list that can be found online under the heading Associates of the Union of Intelligible Associations.[72] This is because in 2005, following disagreement over the partnership contract, Anthony Judge, as Executive Secretary of Mankind 2000, reframed the Encyclopedia as having been a strategic initiative of the Union of Intelligible Associations.[73][74] Tomáš Fülöpp continued maintaining and improving Encyclopedia databases at the UIA until January 2012.


Cover of the 1995 CD-ROM
Here is a table showing the number of entries for certain topics in the various editions.[3][80]
1st edition 1976 2nd edition 1986 3rd edition 1991 4th edition 1994-5 Online edition 2000
World Problems 7,444 10,233 13,167 12,203 56,564
Human Development 288 1,596 4,051 4,456 4,817
Values 704 2,270 2,270 3,254 3,257
Strategies 0 8,335 0 29,542 32,547

Reviews and criticisms

There has been several reviews of the Encyclopedia.[81] One of the harshest criticisms came from the American Library Association in 1987: "The board considers the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential a problematic monument to idiosyncrasy, confusion, and obfuscation that certainly is not worth purchasing at any price."[82] Similarly, The Guardian was extremely critical in a review article published in 1992, to which Anthony Judge recently responded via Transcend Media Service[83] on the occasion of the publication in The Wall Street Journal of a page-one sympathetic review of the Encyclopedia initiative, in December 2012.[84] The work itself is keen on presenting, in various places, disclaimers, reservations or warning texts that anticipate criticisms and explain the strengths and weaknesses[85] of its approaches, including the failure to advocate a position, or the sometimes excessive complexity in its methods or language.[86] Most reviews are laudatory, however. Richard Slaughter emphasized that the significance of the work is not its size or the scope of its references, impressive though these are. It is rather in the nature of what has been attempted. The accompanying notes and commentaries, he said, are good enough to be published separately because they contain highly cogent observations on the "global problematique", commentaries on the work of numerous great thinkers from a wide variety of fields, and an impressive array of insights about the epistemology, symbolism, metaphysics, metaphors and linguistic representations of the subject.[87] As far as practice is concerned, the highest commendation perhaps is to be found in the words of Elise Boulding: "Any one of us (...) can actively become a part in the world problem solving process by using this encyclopedia."[88]

See also


  1. Hardcover edition of the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential. Union of International Associations. Retrieved on 23 November 2011.
  2. CD-ROM version of Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential. Union of International Associations. Retrieved on 23 November 2011.
  3. 3.0 3.1 UIA Online Databases. Union of International Associations. Retrieved on 23 November 2011.
  4. 4.0 4.1 Encyclopedia of world problems and human potential project. Union of International Associations. Retrieved on 23 November 2011.
  5. World problems project – Entry content and organization. Union of International Associations. Retrieved on 23 November 2011.
  6. Global strategies project – Entry content and organization. Union of International Associations. Retrieved on 23 November 2011.
  7. Human development project – Entry content and organization. Union of International Associations. Retrieved on 23 November 2011.
  8. Human values project – Entry content and organization. Union of International Associations. Retrieved on 23 November 2011.
  9. Expanding Resources on International Organizations, a review by Chadwick F. Alger, 1997
  10. Encyclopedia of world problems and human potential project – Overview: significance. Union of International Associations. Retrieved on 23 November 2011.
  11. Encyclopedia of world problems and human potential project – Overview: objectives. Union of International Associations. Retrieved on 23 November 2011.
  12. Encyclopedia of world problems and human potential project – Scope and challenge. Union of International Associations. Retrieved on 23 November 2011.
  13. World problems project – Significance: constraints on a problem-focused approach. Uia.be (21 May 1973). Retrieved on 23 November 2011.
  14. World problems project – Comments: general. Union of International Associations. Retrieved on 23 November 2011.
  15. Global strategies project – Strategic ecosystem: feedback loops and dependent co-arising. Union of International Associations. Retrieved on 23 November 2011.
  16. Information Context for Biodiversity Conservation. (PDF) . Retrieved on 23 November 2011.
  17. Other examples of loops can be seen at Transformative approaches project – Analysis: Vicious cycles and loops and Transformative approaches project – Examples of vicious problem cycles and loops
  18. World problems project. Union of International Associations. Retrieved on 23 November 2011.
  19. 19.0 19.1 19.2 Encyclopedia of world problems and human potential project – Content: sections and sub-sections. Union of International Associations. Retrieved on 23 November 2011.
  20. World problems project – Rationale. Union of International Associations. Retrieved on 23 November 2011.
  21. World problems project – Criteria: problem disguises and problem evasion. Union of International Associations. Retrieved on 23 November 2011.
  22. World problems project – Criteria: assumptions. Union of International Associations. Retrieved on 23 November 2011.
  23. World problems project – Comments: approaches to problems. Union of International Associations. Retrieved on 23 November 2011.
  24. World problems project – Comments: beyond the problem-lobby mindset. Union of International Associations. Retrieved on 23 November 2011.
  25. World problems project – Comments: problem perception and levels of awareness. Union of International Associations. Retrieved on 23 November 2011.
  26. Global strategies project. Union of International Associations. Retrieved on 23 November 2011.
  27. Global strategies project – Rationale. Union of International Associations. Retrieved on 23 November 2011.
  28. World problems project – Significance: acknowledgement of the universe of problems. Union of International Associations. Retrieved on 23 November 2011.
  29. Global strategies project – Strategic ecosystem: network strategy. Union of International Associations. Retrieved on 23 November 2011.
  30. Global strategies project – Strategic ecosystem: beyond "The Plan". Union of International Associations. Retrieved on 23 November 2011.
  31. Global strategies project – Governance: the resolutique. Union of International Associations. Retrieved on 23 November 2011.
  32. Global strategies project – Strategic denial: action inhibition. Union of International Associations. Retrieved on 23 November 2011.
  33. Global strategies project – Post-crisis opportunities: range of strategies. Union of International Associations. Retrieved on 23 November 2011.
  34. Global strategies project – Post-crisis opportunities: strategies in chaos. Union of International Associations. Retrieved on 23 November 2011.
  35. Global strategies project – Strategic appropriateness: questionable answers. Union of International Associations. Retrieved on 23 November 2011.
  36. Global strategies project – Action implications: consensus, uncertainty and action formulation. Union of International Associations. Retrieved on 23 November 2011.
  37. Global strategies project – Strategic ecosystem: integrating constraint and opposition. Union of International Associations. Retrieved on 23 November 2011.
  38. Global strategies project – Post-crisis opportunities: in quest of radical coherence. Union of International Associations. Retrieved on 23 November 2011.
  39. Human values project. Union of International Associations. Retrieved on 23 November 2011.
  40. Human values project – Complexity: understanding value systems. Union of International Associations. Retrieved on 23 November 2011.
  41. Human values project – Insights: wisdom and requisite variety. Union of International Associations. Retrieved on 23 November 2011.
  42. Human values project – Comments: interrelating values. Union of International Associations. Retrieved on 23 November 2011.
  43. Human development project. Union of International Associations. Retrieved on 23 November 2011.
  44. Human potential and development project – Comments: language and the reconstruction of reality. Union of International Associations. Retrieved on 23 November 2011.
  45. Human potential and development project – Comments: phases of human development through challenging problems. Union of International Associations. Retrieved on 23 November 2011.
  46. Human potential and development project – Comments: barriers to transcendent insight and social transformation. Union of International Associations. Retrieved on 23 November 2011.
  47. Patterns and metaphors project. Union of International Associations. Retrieved on 23 November 2011.
  48. Encyclopedia of world problems and human potential project – Overview: distinguishing uses of the Encyclopedia. Union of International Associations. Retrieved on 23 November 2011.
  49. Metaphors and patterns project: summary. Union of International Associations. Retrieved on 23 November 2011.
  50. Governance through metaphor project – Challenge: transcending the "switch" metaphor. Union of International Associations. Retrieved on 23 November 2011.
  51. Integrative knowledge and transdisciplinarity project. Union of International Associations. Retrieved on 23 November 2011.
  52. Integrative knowledge project: summary. Union of International Associations. Retrieved on 23 November 2011.
  53. Integrative knowledge and transdisciplinarity project – Method: approaches to the art of disagreement. Union of International Associations. Retrieved on 23 November 2011.
  54. Integrative knowledge and transdisciplinarity project – Significance: previous, parallel or related initiatives. Union of International Associations. Retrieved on 23 November 2011.
  55. Integrative matrix of human preoccupations. Union of International Associations. Retrieved on 23 November 2011.
  56. Integrative knowledge and transdisciplinarity project – Examples and scope. Union of International Associations. Retrieved on 23 November 2011.
  57. Transformative approaches project. Union of International Associations. Retrieved on 23 November 2011.
  58. Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential project – Potential uses and application. Union of International Associations. Retrieved on 23 November 2011.
  59. Transformative approaches project – Overview. Union of International Associations. Retrieved on 23 November 2011.
  60. In Remembrance of James Wellesley-Wesley. M2000.org (25 April 2007). Retrieved on 23 November 2011.
  61. Mankind 2000 / Humanité 2000. M2000.org (22 February 1999). Retrieved on 23 November 2011.
  62. 62.0 62.1 Encyclopedia Illusions – Rationale for an Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential. Laetusinpraesens.org. Retrieved on 23 November 2011.
  63. 63.0 63.1 63.2 63.3 Global strategies project – Introduction: background and acknowledgements. Union of International Associations. Retrieved on 23 November 2011.
  64. Nadia McLaren. Union of International Associations. Retrieved on 23 November 2011.
  65. Information Context for Biodiversity Conservation. Ecolynx. Retrieved on 23 November 2011.
  66. Interactive Health Ecology Access Links (IHEAL). Union of International Associations. Retrieved on 23 November 2011.
  67. 67.0 67.1 Initiatives within the framework of the Union of International Associations. Un-intelligible.org (22 February 1999). Retrieved on 23 November 2011.
  68. Christian de Laet. Uia.be (9 December 2008). Retrieved on 23 November 2011.
  69. 69.0 69.1 Encyclopedia of world problem and human potential project – Overview: background and acknowledgements. Union of International Associations. Retrieved on 23 November 2011.
  70. Encyclopedia of world problems and human potential – Assessment: International organizations as a source. Union of International Associations. Retrieved on 23 November 2011.
  71. Goals, processes and indicators of development: A project description Galtung J. 1978. HSDPD-9/UNUP, United Nations University, Tokyo, Japan. Also: GPID Project – Goals, Processes and Indicators of Development – Complete list of papers
  72. Associates of the Union of Intelligible Associations. Un-intelligible.org (22 February 1999). Retrieved on 23 November 2011.
  73. Union of Intelligible Associations. Un-intelligible.org (22 February 1999). Retrieved on 23 November 2011.
  74. Reclaiming the Heritage of Misappropriated Collective Endeavour. Un-intelligible.org. Retrieved on 23 November 2011.
  75. See note C in Statistics – Development of Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential (1976–1995)
  76. UIA – Saur Relations: Sharing a Documentary Pilgrimage. Uia.be (5 July 1974). Retrieved on 23 November 2011.
  77. One such book is equivalent to 40 or 50 normal-sized books, according to Edward Cornish's Book review of November–December 1991 in The Futurist.
  78. Generating a Million Questions from UIA Databases – Problems, Strategies, Values. Laetusinpraesens.org. Retrieved on 23 November 2011.
  79. Encyclopedia of world problems and human potential project – Intent: Interactive Access and Future Developments. Union of International Associations. Retrieved on 23 November 2011.
  80. Statistics – Development of Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential (1976–1995). Union of International Associations. Retrieved on 23 November 2011.
  81. Selected reviews of the Encyclopedia. Union of International Associations. Retrieved on 23 November 2011.
  82. Booklist, v.83, p.698, American Library Association, January 1987
  83. Flatulence is a Problem Aired, by Anthony Judge, Transcend Media Service, January 2013.
  84. Encyclopedia of World Problems Has a Big One of Its Own, a Wall Street Journal article, by Daniel Michaels, December 11, 2012.
  85. Encyclopedia of world problems and human potential project – Assessment: strengths and weaknesses. Union of International Associations. Retrieved on 15 January 2013.
  86. Encyclopedia of world problems and human potential project – Assessment: criticism. Union of International Associations. Retrieved on 23 November 2011.
  87. A meta-linguistic resource Richard A. Slaughter, Futures, Oxford, 1992
  88. Encyclopedia review. Union of International Associations. Retrieved on 23 November 2011.

External links