Embassy of Moldova, Kiev

Embassy of Moldova in Kiev
Coordinates Coordinates: Missing latitude
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Location Kiev
Address Yagotinsky St., 2, Kyiv 01901, Ukraine
Ambassador Ion Stăvilă

The Embassy of Moldova in Kiev is the diplomatic mission of Moldova in Ukraine.[1]


Diplomatic relations between Ukraine and Moldova established March 10, 1992. Embassy of Ukraine in Moldova was launched 1992. Moldova embassy in Kyiv was opened 1992.

Previous Ambassadors

  1. Ion Borshevych (1993 - 1994)
  2. Ion Russu (1994 - 1998)
  3. Alexey Andrievskiy (1998 - 2003)
  4. Nicolae Chernomaz (2003 - 2005)[2]
  5. Michael Laura (2006)[3]
  6. Sergiu Stati (2006 - 2009)[4]
  7. Nicolae Gumenniy (2009 - 2010)[5]
  8. Ion Stăvilă (from 2010)[6][7][8][9]

See also


External links