Embassy of China, Kiev

Embassy of China in Kyiv
Coordinates Coordinates: Missing latitude
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Location Kiev
Address Hrushevskoho str, 32, Kyiv 01901, Ukraine
Ambassador Zhang Xiyun

The Embassy of the People's Republic of China in Kyiv is the diplomatic mission of the People's Republic of China in Ukraine.[1]


Following independence, Ukraine August 24, 1991 People's Republic of China recognized Ukraine December 27, 1991. January 4, 1992 between Ukraine and China was established diplomatic relations

Previous Ambassadors[2]

  1. Zhang Zhen (1992-1995)
  2. Pan Zhanlin (1995-1998)[3]
  3. Zhou Xiaopei (1998-2000)[4]
  4. Li Goban (2000-2003)[5]
  5. Yao Peisheng (2003-2005)[6]
  6. Gao Yusheng (2005-2007)[7]
  7. Zhou Li (2007-2010)[8]
  8. Zhang Xiyun (2010 -)[9][10]
Consulate General of China in Odesa

See also


External links