Elvira of Toro

A medieval depiction of Elvira

Elvira (Elvira de Toro; 1038/9 15 November 1101) was a Leonese infanta and the Lady of Toro, Zamora,[1] the daughter of Ferdinand I of León and Castile[2] and Sancha of León,[3][4] and granddaughter-namesake of Elvira Mendes, and also an aunt of Elvira of Castile, Queen of Sicily.

She made an important donation of lands to the monastery of San Salvador de Oña in the year 1087. She received the city of Toro on the death of her father, while her sister Urraca received Zamora, and her brothers Sancho II, Alfonso VI and García[5] received the kingdoms of Castile, León, and Galicia respectively.

Elvira was buried in the Royal Pantheon at the Basilica of San Isidoro.[6]

Family tree

16. Sancho II of Navarre
8. García II of Navarre
17. Urraca Fernández of Castile
4. Sancho III of Navarre
18. Fernando Bermúdez de Cea
9. Jimena Fernández
19. Elvira Díaz of Saldaña
2. Ferdinand I of León and Castile
20. García Fernández, Count of Castile
10. Sancho García, Count of Castile
21. Ava of Ribagorza
5. Muniadona Mayor
22. Gómez Díaz, Count of Saldaña
11. Urraca Gómez
23. Muniadona Fernández of Castile
1. Elvira of Toro
24. Ordoño III of León
12. Bermudo II of León
6. Alfonso V of León
26. García Fernández, Count of Castile
13. Elvira García
27. Ava of Ribagorza
3. Sancha of León
28. Gonzalo Menéndez, Count of Portugal
14. Menendo González, Count of Portugal
29. Ilduara (Ildonza) Peláez
7. Elvira Mendes
15. Tutadona


  1. Castilla y León en el siglo X, estudio del reinado de Fernando I by Alfonso Sánchez Candeira
  2. Viñayo González, Antonio. Fernando I, el Magno (1035–1065). Burgos: La Olmeda, 1999. ISBN 84-89915-10-5.
  3. Reilly, Bernard F. 1988. The Kingdom of León-Castilla under King Alfonso VI, 10651109. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
  4. Historia Silense
  5. Chronicon Regum Legionensium
  6. Prada, María Encina, Estudio antropológico del Panteón Real de San Isidoro de León