Elon Cody Starbuck

Elon Cody Starbuck is a fictional space pirate created by Howard Chaykin, who first appeared in Star Reach magazine issue #1 (1974), and also appeared in various issues of the graphics magazine Heavy Metal.

Like Chaykin's Ironwolf, Dominic Fortune and Monark Starstalker, Starbuck is a swashbuckling, "morally ambivalent, free-wheeling good/bad guy in a decadent, sexually explicit universe, who looks more than a little bit like [Chaykin] himself."[1]

When his Cody Starbuck debuted, his drawing style was very reminiscent of Alex Toth. A grand space opera, Cody Starbuck mirrored many of the themes later seen in Star Wars.

He can be seen as a more amoral version of Ironwolf, a character previously drawn and plotted by Chaykin for Weird Worlds in 1973.

Publication history

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