Elio Lo Cascio

Elio Lo Cascio
Born 31 May 1948
Palermo, Italy
Nationality Italian
Fields Historian
Institutions Sapienza University of Rome
Alma mater Sapienza University of Rome

Elio Lo Cascio (born 31 May 1948) is an Italian historian, teacher of Roman History at the Sapienza University of Rome.[1] Lo Cascio's main research interests are the institutional, administrative, social and economic history of Ancient Rome from the Republic to the Late Empire, and Roman population history.


Lo Cascio was born in Palermo, Sicily, in 1948. He studied Classics at the Sapienza University of Rome (1966–70), where he was a pupil of Santo Mazzarino. From 1973 to 1986, he was assistant professor and then associate professor of Roman History at the Universities of Rome and Lecce. In the years 1976–78, he spent several semesters as a visiting scholar at the University of Cambridge, where Moses I. Finley was Professor of Ancient History at the time. Between 1986 and 1990, he taught as full professor of Roman History at the University of L'Aquila, and from 1990 to 2006 at the University of Naples Federico II.

Lo Cascio is currently Professor of Roman history at the Sapienza University. In 1993 and 2001, he was member of the School of Historical Studies of the Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, and in 2009 visiting professeur at the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, Paris.

As of 2010, Lo Cascio is a member of the "Consiglio direttivo" of the "Istituto Italiano per la storia antica"; he is on the scientific committee or the editorial board of several periodicals: the Annali dell'Istituto Italiano di Numismatica, Atene e Roma, Rivista di Filologia e di Istruzione Classica, Rivista di storia economica and Studi storici. He is also the editor of the series Pragmateiai. Collana di studi e testi per la storia economica, sociale e amministrativa del mondo antico, published by Edipuglia.

Recent works


  1. Personal website at Sapienza University of Rome (Italian)

See also

External links