Elias Judah Durand

Elias Judah Durand
Born March 20, 1870
Canandaigua, New York
Died October 29, 1922 (aged 52)
Residence USA
Nationality American
Fields Mycology
Known for Contributions to taxonomic mycology, and botany
Author abbrev. (botany) E.J. Durand

Elias Judah Durand (20 March 1870 - 29 October 1922) was an American mycologist, and botanist. He was one of the foremost American experts on the discomycetes.


Elias Judah Durand was born in Canandaigua, New York to Rufus Durand, a farmer,[1] and Anna Maria Sisson.[2] He received his Bachelor's degree in botany and entomology from Cornell University in 1893 and his Doctor of Science in botany in 1895 under George Francis Atkinson at Cornell.[3] Following graduation he taught botany and mycology[4] at Cornell until 1910, first as a fellow and later as an instructor.[3] In 1910, Durand was appointed professor of botany at the University of Missouri,[5] where he remained until 1918. In 1918, Durand was named professor at the University of Minnesota, where from 1920-1921 he was the Chairman of the Department of Botany.[6] He remained at the University of Minnesota until his death from cancer on 29 October 1922.[3][7][8] Durand is buried in the Durand family plot in Woodlawn Cemetery in Canandaigua, New York.[8][9] He married Anna Louise Perry on 6 September 1899 and had one child, Anna Louise Durand (d. 1981), on 6 June 1901. Anna Louise died shortly after giving birth to their daughter on 11 June 1901. He married Sue Gertrude Stone (d. 1957) on 24 July 1917.[2][8]

Mycological contributions

Durand contributed to a broad range of botanical sciences, ranging from bryology and pteridology to mycology.[7] He was recognized and highly respected as an authority on discomycetes, and was one of the first Americans to study the group extensively.[7][10] His personal collection, numbering 12,087 specimens of discomycetes, including 16 types, 27 paratypes, 2 syntypes, and 6,000 microscope slides, was deposited in the Plant Pathology Herbarium at Cornell University (CUP), helping establish that herbarium as a leading center for the study of discomycetes.[6][7] Durand's collections included 650 types (mostly discomycetes) from other authors and herbaria, currently stored at Cornell University.[6] Additional specimens Durand collected are stored in the herbaria of the Field Museum of Natural History, the University of Kentucky, the University of Minnesota, the New York Botanical Garden, and Pomona College.[11]

Taxa described and new combinations

E.J. Durand described a total of 25 new species, one new form, one new variety, and made 20 new combinations of species. As of 2014, nine of his species and ten recombinations are still accepted (having not been assigned to another genus or reduced to synonymy under previously published names). Durand also described two genera, Gloeoglossum and Ionomidotis which were both later reduced to synonymy.[12][13]

  • Gloeoglossum E.J. Durand 1908 = Geoglossum Persoon 1794
  • Ionomidotis E.J. Durand ex Thaxt. 1923 = Ameghiniella Speg. 1888
  • Catinella elastica (Pat. & Gaillard) E.J. Durand 1922 = Aleurina elastica (Pat. & Gaillard) Sacc. & P. Syd. 1902
  • Catinella negro-olivacea (Schwein.) E.J. Durand 1922
  • Ciboria americana E.J. Durand 1902
  • Coccophacidium crustaceum (M.A. Curtis) E.J. Durand 1929 = Coccomycetes strobi J. Reid & Cain 1961
  • Corynetes arenarius (Rostr.) E.J. Durand 1908 = Sabuloglossum arenarium (Rostr.) Hustad, A.N. Mill, Dentinger & P.F. Cannon 2013
  • Corynetes atropurpureus (Batsch) E.J. Durand 1908 = Geoglossum atropurpureum (Batsch) Persoon 1796
  • Corynetes robustus E.J. Durand 1908 = Geoglossum atropurpureum (Batsch) Persoon 1796
  • Cudonia bulbifera E.J. Durand 1912 = Pseudombrophila bulbifera (E.J. Durand) Brumm. 1995
  • Cudonia ochroleuca (Cooke & Harkn.) E.J. Durand 1908
  • Dermatea crataegicola E.J. Durand 1904 = Pezicula crataegicula (Durieu) J.W. Groves 1946
  • Dermatea puberula E.J. Durand 1904 = Pezicula puberula (E.J. Durand) Verkley 1999
  • Dermatella hamamelidis (Peck) E.J. Durand 1902 = Dermea hamamelidis (Peck) J.W. Groves 1946
  • Geoglossum affine E.J. Durand 1908
  • Geoglossum cohaerens E.J. Durand 1908
  • Geoglossum fallax E.J. Durand 1908
  • Geoglossum intermedium E.J. Durand 1908
  • Geoglossum paludosum (Persoon) E.J. Durand 1908
  • Gloeoglossum affine E.J. Durand 1908 = Geoglossum affine E.J. Durand 1908
  • Gloeoglossum difforme (Fr.) E.J. Durand 1908 = Geoglossum difforme Fr. 1815
  • Gloeoglossum glutinosum (Persoon) E.J. Durand 1908 = Glutinoglossum glutinosum (Persoon) Hustad, A.N. Mill., Dentinger, & P.F. Cannon 2013
  • Holwaya gigantea E.J. Durand 1901 = Holwaya mucida (Schulzer) Korf & Abawi 1971
  • Holwaya leptosperma (Peck) E.J. Durand 1901 = Holwaya mucida (Schulzer) Korf & Abawi 1971
  • Ionomidotis chilensis E.J Durand 1923 = Midotus chilensis (E.J. Durand) Cif. 1957
  • Ionomidotis irregularis (Schwein.) E.J. Durand 1923
  • Ionomidotis nicaraguensis E.J. Durand 1923 = Midotis nicaraguensis (E.J. Durand) Seaver 1951
  • Ionomidotis olivascens E.J. Durand 1923 = Midotis olivascens (E.J. Durand) Seaver 1951
  • Inomidotis plicata (W. Phillips & Harkn.) E.J. Durand 1923 = Ameghiniella plicata (W. Phillips & Harkn.) W.Y. Zhuang & Korf 1988
  • Ionomidotis urceolata E.J. Durand 1923 = Encoelia urceolata (E.J. Durand) W.Y. Zhuang 1988
  • Ionomidotis sprucei (Berk.) E.J. Durand 1923
  • Keithia thujina E.J. Durand 1913 = Didymascella thujina (E.J. Durand) Maire 1927
  • Keithia tsugae (Farl.) E.J. Durand 1913 = Fabrella tsugae (Farl.) Kirschst. 1941
  • Lachnum atropurpureum E.J. Durand 1904 = Lachnella atropurpurea (E.J. Durand) Seaver 1951
  • Leptoglossum alveolatum E.J. Durand ex Rehm 1904 = Geoglossum alveolatum (E.J. Durand ex Rehm) E.J. Durand 1908
  • Microglossum fumosum (Peck) E.J. Durand 1908
  • Microglossum longisporum E.J. Durand 1908
  • Midotis infundibuliformis E.J. Durand 1923 = Encoelia infundibuliformis (E.J. Durand) Dennis 1954
  • Midotis occidentalis E.J. Durand 1923
  • Mitrula alveolata E.J. Durand 1902 = Geoglossum alveolatum (E.J. Durand ex Rehm) E.J. Durand 1908
  • Sarcosoma carolinianum E.J. Durand 1903
  • Sclerotinia smilacinae E.J. Durand 1902 = Stromatinia smilacinae (E.J. Durand) Whetzel 1945
  • Trichoglossum confusum E.J. Durand 1921
  • Trichoglossum farlowii (Cooke) E.J. Durand 1908
  • Trichoglossum hirsutum f. variabile E.J. Durand 1908 = Trichoglossum variabile (E.J. Durand) Nannf. 1942
  • Trichoglossum hirsutum var. wrightii E.J. Durand 1908 = Trichoglossum wrightii (E.J. Durand) E.J. Durand 1921
  • Trichoglossum rehmianum (Henn.) E.J. Durand 1908
  • Trichoglossum velutipes (Peck.) E.J. Durand 1908
  • Trichoglossum walteri (Berk.) E.J. Durand 1908

Mycological lineage

Durand earned his Doctorate of Science under G.F. Atkinson at Cornell. Durand belongs to the mycological lineage of William Russel Dudley. Dudley was a student and assistant under Albert Nelson Prentiss, who was the first head of the Department of Botany at Cornell University.[10] Dudley mentored G.F. Atkinson who later returned to Cornell when Dudley left in 1892.[10][14] While Durand did not directly mentor any students who would later become professional mycologists, he was well-regarded as an instructor in undergraduate courses.[3][7]

Honors and memberships

While a student at Cornell, Durand was a member of Sigma Xi, Quill and Dagger, Congress, the Classical Association, and the Natural History Society (of which he was president in his senior year).[8] Durand was a charter member of the American Mycological Society (which merged with the Botanical Society of America in 1903).[15] He was also a member of the American Phytopathological Society and the American Association for the Advancement of Science.[5][8]

Eponymous taxa


Durand authored or coauthored 30 research publications and one general botany laboratory textbook:[7][11]


  1. "Descendents of Richard (1608-1684) and Mary (d. 1692) SISSON of Rhode Island". Retrieved 2014-02-17.
  2. 2.0 2.1 "Ancestry.com entry for Elias Judah Durand". Retrieved 2014-02-17.
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 Jennings, O.E. (1923). "Elias Judah Durand". The Bryologist 26: 67. doi:10.1639/0007-2745(1923)26[67:ejd]2.0.co;2. JSTOR 3238026.
  4. Anonymous (1898). Announcement of the New York State College of Forestry, 1898-1899. Andrus & Church.
  5. 5.0 5.1 Stevens, F.L. (1910). "News and Notes". Mycologia 2 (3): 156–158. JSTOR 3753623.
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 Hodge, K.T. "Preserving the integrity of types: What's a kleptotype?".
  7. 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 Harvey, R.B. (1923). "Elias Judah Durand". Phytopathology 13: 408–409.
  8. 8.0 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 Anonymous (1922). "Cornell Alumni News" 25 (7). p. 93.
  9. "Elias J. Durand". Find a Grave Memorial. Retrieved 2014-02-21.
  10. 10.0 10.1 10.2 Korf, R.P. (1991). "An historical perspective: Mycology in the departments of botany and of plant pathology at Cornell University and the Geneva Agricultural Experimental Station". Mycotaxon 20: 107–128.
  11. 11.0 11.1 Stafleu, F.A., Mennega, E.A. (2000). Taxonomic Literature: A selective guide to botanical publications and collections with dates, commentaries, and types. Koeltz Scientific Books. ISBN 3904144170.
  12. GBIF. "E.J. Durand author search results". Retrieved 2014-02-21.
  13. R.B.G. Kew: Mycology, Landcare Research. "Index Fungorum". Retrieved 2014-02-21.
  14. Blackwell, M.; Gilbertson, R.L. (1 August 2013). "A Genealogy of North American Mycologists". Retrieved 2014-02-21.
  15. Botanical Society of America. "A brief history - Botanical Society of America". Retrieved 2014-02-21.
  16. Rehm, H. (1913). "Ascomycetes exs. Fasc. 52". Annales Mycologici 11 (2): 166–171.
  17. 17.0 17.1 Seaver, F.J. (1932). "The Genera of Fungi". Mycologia 24 (2): 248–263.
  18. Seaver, F.J. (1928). North American Cup-Fungi (Operculates). F.J. Seaver. ISBN 9783768211741.
  19. Rehm, H. (1904). "Ascomycetes Americae Borealis". Annales Mycologici 2 (1): 32–37.
  20. Teng, S.C. (1932). "Fungi of Chekiang I.". Contributions from the Biological Laboratory of the Science Society of China 8: 49–71.
  21. "Author Query for 'E.J.Durand'". International Plant Names Index.