Electronic carillon

Electronic carillon is a blanket term used to refer to an automated system which imitates the sound of a carillon. These systems simulate and amplify bell sounds which are then played from loudspeakers housed in a bell tower.[1]

Due to the costs associated with installing, maintaining, and operating traditional carillons, many churches and universities now utilize these types of systems.[2]

Bell Sound Emulation

While a traditional carillon uses actual bells, electronic systems simulate a bell sound in several ways


Electronic carillons utilize an internal clock which determines when chimes or music will be played. The Westminster Quarters are commonly programmed to chime the hour and its divisions, along with musical selections. The musical score is stored on media which can typically be changed or expanded.[3]

Systems may also provide a keyboard or console. This allows a musician to operate the instrument in a manner similar to the way a traditional carillon is operated. These keyboards are sometimes integrated with or attached to an organist's console.

Early automated carillons utilized an electric timer that simply played selected bell strikes or tunes. Modern computerized carillons can calculate the phase of the moon to determine when to play selections for Easter, as well as all other holidays. They can be programmed to play for ten years or more, all the time playing selections appropriate for the season and with good variety of song selections.

Since these systems utilize an amplifier and loudspeaker, many are being expanded to also provide emergency notification systems to college campuses.[4]


  1. "Electronic Carillon". Encyclopædia Britannica. Retrieved 6 November 2011.
  2. "Electronic Digital Carillons". Verdin Carillons. Retrieved 6 November 2011.
  3. "The Real RIT Rings". Reporter. p. 14. Retrieved 6 November 2011.
  4. "Emergency Alert System to be tested". northcentralpa.com. Retrieved 6 November 2011.