Elections to the Church Assembly, 2005

Elections were held to the Church Assembly (Kyrkomötet), i.e. the "parliament" of the Church of Sweden on September 18, 2005. Simultaneously elections were held to diocese and parish assemblies all over the country.

The parties and church political outfits that take part in the elections are called 'nominating groups' (Nomineringsgrupper).

Nominating groups

2005 election
Nationwide Results seats %
Nominating groups 2005 2001 2005 2001
Arbetarepartiet - Socialdemokraterna (Social Democrats) 71 74 28 29,4
Centerpartiet (Centre Party) 41 43 16,3 17,3
Elävä seurakunta - Levande församling ('Living Congregation' - not associated with a political party) 0 * <1 *
Folkpartister i Svenska kyrkan (associated with the People's Party) 15 15 6 5,8
Frimodig kyrka 7 * 2,9 *
Gabriel 1 1 <1 <1
Kristdemokrater i Svenska kyrkan (associated with the Christian Democrats) 17 24 6,7 9,5
Kyrklig samverkan i Visby stift 1 1 <1 <1
Miljöpartister i Svenska kyrkan (associated with the Green Party) 4 * 1,7 *
Moderata Samlingspartiet (Moderate Party) 45 48 17,8 18,9
Partipolitiskt obundna i Svenska kyrkan (a group opposing party politics in the church) 34 36 13,7 14,4
SPI Seniorpartiet (Swedish Senior Citizen Interest Party) 1 * 0,6 *
Sverigedemokraterna (Sweden Democrats) 4 2 1,7 0,8
Vänstern i Svenska kyrkan (associated with the Left Party) 3 * 1,1 *
Vänsterpartiet (Left Party) * 4 * 1,8
Öppen Kyrka - en kyrka för alla 7 3 2,9 1,3
Levande Kyrka - Jesus i centrum ? ? ? ?