Elections in Togo

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Elections in Togo gives information on election and election results in Togo.

Togo elects on national level a head of state - the president - and a legislature. The president is elected for a five-year term by the people renewable indefinitely . The National Assembly (Assemblée Nationale) with 91 representatives is elected for a five-year term through party list proportional representation. Togo is a one party dominant state with the Union for the Republic in power. Opposition parties are allowed but deeply divided with internal fighting between leaders giving them a no real chance of gaining power.

Togolese presidential election, 2015

Presidential elections were held in Togo on 25 April 2015. Initially scheduled for 15 April 2015, the election was postponed by ten days at the recommendation of John Dramani Mahama, President of Ghana and acting chair of the ECOWAS organization. Incumbent President Faure Gnassingbé was seeking a third term and was opposed by four other candidates, including the main opposition leader Jean-Pierre Fabre of the National Alliance for Change.[2]. Provisional results by the National Election Commission declared the incumbent President winner with about 59% and about 35% for the main challenger Jean-Pierre Fabre.On April, 29th 2015 Mr Fabre called the results fraudulent and demanded its simple annulation.[1]

Togolese parliamentary election, 2013

Parliamentary elections were held in Togo on 25 July 2013. 91 of the National Assembly were elected by closed list proportional representation in 30 multi-member constituencies

Togolese presidential election, 2010

A presidential election was held in Togo on 4 March 2010. Incumbent President Faure Gnassingbé—who won his first term in a presidential election that followed the death of his father, long-time President Gnassingbé Eyadema, in 2005—faced radical opposition candidate Jean-Pierre Fabre, the Secretary-General of the Union of the Forces of Change (UFC), as well as several minor opposition candidates.

Togolese parliamentary election, 2007

A parliamentary election was held in Togo on October 14, 2007 for the 81 seats in the National Assembly. There were over 2,000 candidates, with 32 parties and 41 lists of independent candidates competing. The ruling Rally of the Togolese People (RPT) was victorious, winning a majority of 50 seats. The remaining seats were won by opposition parties: the Union of the Forces of Change (UFC) gained 27 seats and the Action Committee for Renewal (CAR) gained four seats. Seats were allotted based on party list proportional representation with a system of highest averages.[6] This was the first parliamentary election since the beginning of multiparty politics in the early 1990s in which all major parties participated

Togolese presidential election, 2005

A presidential election was held in Togo on April 24, 2005, following the death in office of long-time president Gnassingbé Eyadéma. The main candidates were Eyadéma's son, Faure Gnassingbé, and opposition leader Emmanuel Bob-Akitani. The election and the period preceding it were marked by violence, and many people were reported killed in various incidents. According to official results, Gnassingbé won the election, taking slightly more than 60% of the vote. Violence flared in the capital Lomé after the results were announced, and thousands have fled into neighboring countries.

Togolese presidential election, 2003

Presidential elections were held in Togo on 1 June 2003. The result was a victory for incumbent President Gnassingbé Eyadéma, who won 57.8% of the vote.

Togolese parliamentary election, 2002

Parliamentary elections were held in Togo on 27 October 2002. Like the previous elections in 1999, they were boycotted by nine opposition parties (known as the Coalition of Democratic Forces), following the replacement of the Independent National Electoral Commission by a seven-magistrate committee and a revision of the Electoral Code. The result was a victory for the ruling Rally of the Togolese People, which won 72 of the 81 seats. Voter turnout was 67%.


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