Ekkirala Krishnamacharya

Dr.Ekkirala Krisnamacharya also known as Master E K was (born 1926-08-11)at Nujuveedu, Andhra Pradesh to Sri Ananthacharya and Smt Butchamma.

* Purity inside and outside
* To be in the Presence.
* Passive to the problems of life.
* Unaffected by the results of action due to absence of personal motives.
* Neutral to favourable and unfavourable situations
* Nothing is seen as auspicious or inauspicious.
* There is neither complaint nor request.
* Simplicity and equanimity in all situations. 


He was the disciple of Master C V V . He conducted instructional classes in the science of homoeopathy and trained hundreds of persons in this healing art. He wrote most authentic works in the science of ayurveda, homoeopathy, astrology, yoga etc., which can satiate the thirst of knowledge seekers as well as the needy common people. He explored into the synthesis among the allegories in the Vedas, the Hebrew and Chaldean literature, the Bible and the Zend Avesta. He re-established the one eternal and universal law which was masked by the formal religions, leading the pace to one religion i.e., wisdom religion. His dictum is precise, concise, sweet and practical. His speeches were impregnated with subtle humour and compassion. They were conversational in style. He touched the human hearts with his teachings and sowed the seeds of spirit of Love and service.[1]

An embodiment of service

He was appointed as a lecturer in Andhra University[2] without even applying for the post, but he chose to quit when some vested interests tried to create stumbling blocks in his spiritual mission, "Fusion of the East and West".

That was Ekkirala Krishnamacharya, fondly called by his disciples as 'Master E.K'. "Serve until you forget that you are serving" was his main philosophy and he trained his followers that way. He believed that "manpower is greater than money power" and moulded the youth to take up social service activities. He used to say that the only qualification required to learn the 'Gayatri Mantram' was the urge to learn it, and today lakhs of people all over the world, irrespective of caste, creed or religion have mastered it.

Master E K took upon himself the task of promoting homoeopathy as he believed that countless number of people could be treated at a low cost. Master Homoeo Vaidyalayams have been established in different parts of A. P. through which free services are extended to the needy. The free homoeo service is carried on by his followers and is doing well in Karnataka and West Bengal besides A. P. In Visakhapatnam, the free homoeo service is being extended by E. V. M. Acharya & E. Ananthakrishna Master E. K's sons, M. K. S. S. Prasad an Allopathic Doctor by profession initiated into 100% Homeopathy practice by none other than Master E K, K. S. Sastry, T. V. V. S. Rao, Thota Satyanarayana G. S. R. Murthy, P Jagan Mohan Rao to state a few. Thousands of other para medicos, trained by Master E K himself, practise Free Homeopathy at various locations across the Globe.

"Secularism" only means 'not guided by religion' but not discarding religion altogether. While some countries do not feel ashamed to call themselves Christian or Islamic nations, it is only India which is giving freedom to all people to practice their own religion," Master E K used to say.

"When this is the case, there is no need for us to tolerate the attempts of vested interests to disturb the peace or create differences.

Tolerating the misdemeanours of such vested interests does not make us 'secular'. True secularism means being in one's own limitations." These words of wisdom are all the more relevant today.

'Kulapathi' Ekkirala Krishnamacharya was born to Sreeman Ekkirala Anantacharya and Smt. Butchamma, as eldest of the four children and eventual spiritual icons, Sri Ekkirala Vedavyasa, Sri Ekkirala Bodhayana and Acharya Ekkirala Bharadwaja. Born at Bapatla in Guntur district on 11 August 1926, Krishnamacharya did not undergo any formal schooling. He learnt the 'Bala Ramayanamu' and the 'Bhagavad Gita' at home and used to puzzle his friends by reciting slokas, when they returned home from school. He did his intermediate from the Hindu College, Guntur and B. A. (Honours) in Telugu from Andhra University

Master E K was influenced by the moonlight kissing the Vizag beach, he wrote a beautiful peace of poetry Raasa Leela. However, in later years his literary works underwent a total transformation.

"He was an inmate of the 'Viveka Vinyasa' hostel in A. U. and used to observe "Mouna Vratam" on Sundays and after a bath at the hostel in the early morning, he would go to the Shanti Ashram in Pedha Waltair, sit below a fig tree and recite the Gayatri Mantra for about 12 hours," writes Chintalapati Satyadev in his book, Master E K Jeevitha Charitra.

Master E K was appointed a lecturer at the Hindu College, Guntur in July 1949. He, however, continued with his spiritual programmes. He applied for a three-year study leave in December 1962 and returned to Andhra University for producing a doctoral thesis on "Tenali Ramakrishna Kavya Pariseelanamu" under the guidance of K. V. Narasimham. He was awarded the PhD in August 1966.

He used to continue his spiritual service programmes even while doing his research work. One day after delivering a discourse on the "Ramayana", Master EK announced: "I am planning to leave for Guntur this evening." The gathering was perturbed by his decision. In the meantime, freedom fighter and an A.U. Syndicate member, Kandala Sarveswara Rao, met him and said: "The university will be privileged to have an eminent person like you as a teacher. The Syndicate has taken a decision without your consent to appoint you as a lecturer. You can also continue your spiritual programmes".

Master E.K. thought it was God's will that he should stay back in Visakhapatnam and agreed to the suggestion. He was appointed as a Telugu lecturer in December 1966.

Quitting the job in 1974, he toured Europe and America five times between 1972 and 1983 and propagated the message of Sanatana Dharma, spiritual Astrology, Pantanjali's Yoga, Bhagavadgita and Spiritual Psychology.

He derived his spiritual inspiration from Master C V V (Canchupati Venkatrao Venkaswami Rao).

He founded the World Teacher Trust (Jagadguru Peetham) in 1971. The WTT has branches in 22 countries today.

A bust of Master E K has been installed by his followers on Beach Road, Visakhapatnam.

Author of



Books written about him



  1. Welcome to Divine Site
  2. "Article Appeared in The Hindu Dated2002-09-09". Hinduonnet.com. Retrieved 12 February 2013.
  3. Welcome to AU WebSite
  4. Dr. K. Parvathi Kumar (22 April 1972). "Master E.K. The New Age Teacher". Worldteachertrust.org. Retrieved 12 February 2013.
  5. "Welcome to Divine Site:PublicationsInDetails". Masterek.org. Retrieved 12 February 2013.
  6. "Welcome to Divine Site:PublicationsInDetails". Masterek.org. Retrieved 12 February 2013.
  7. "Welcome to Divine Site:PublicationsInDetails". Masterek.org. Retrieved 12 February 2013.
  8. About Masters

External links
