

A typical eintopf: pea soup with garnish
Type Stew
Place of origin Germany
Cookbook:Eintopf  Eintopf

Eintopf is a traditional type of German stew which can consist of a great number of different ingredients. Technically, the term refers to a way of cooking all ingredients in one pot, not to any specific recipe.

Many different regional specialty recipes for Eintopf are known in Germany; for example the Kassel area has a type called Lumpen und Fleeh ("rags and fleas" in the local dialect) which is quite similar to Irish stew.


Eintopf contains 3-4 basic ingredients:

Beef stock, chicken broth or vegetable stock are often used as a foundation, to which the other ingredients are gradually added. These are usually cooked until soft but not mushy, resulting on average in a less homogenous consistency than an English-type stew or a gumbo, somewhat between those and the Japanese nabemono. There are thicker German stews like Hasenpfeffer or Labskaus; those would not usually be considered an Eintopf though the technical difference is minor (longer cooking times and less vegetables).

Most commonly, ingredients include pork, beef or chicken meat along with a variety of assorted vegetables such as carrots, peas, beans, lentil, potatoes, cauliflower, kale, celery, onions, asparagus, or garlic. Fish is also sometimes used. To bring out the flavor of these ingredients, numerous different kinds of kitchen herbs like parsley, lovage or chive may be added, as well as salt, pepper and other spices.


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