Eikefet Tunnel
Eikefet Tunnel (Norwegian: Eikefettunnelen) is a road tunnel in Lindås municipality in Hordaland county, Norway. The 4,910-metre (3.05 mi) tunnel is part of the European route E39 highway through the mountain Kjellrusen from the village of Eikefet to Odnåstjørni. The tunnel is the longest of a series of tunnels along this highway through Lindås.
The tunnel was opened on 27 March 1980.[1] When it opened, it was Norway's longest road tunnel.[2] Eikefet has rated poorly in safety testing by the European Tunnel Assessment Programme. This is due to long distances between emergency pull off areas and emergency phones; poor lighting; few escape routes; poor fire safety; and lanes that are only 3 metres (9.8 ft) wide.[3]
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