Eduardo Cuitiño

Eduardo Cuitiño Bosio
Born January 28, 1974
Montevideo, Uruguay
Occupation Writer, mathematician
Language Spanish
Nationality Uruguayan
Alma mater ORT Uruguay

Eduardo Cuitiño Bosio (Montevideo, January 28, 1974) is a Uruguayan writer/author and mathematician known for his investigations and essays on two historic figures: Carlos Gardel and Jack the Ripper.[1]


Graduated from the Science Faculty of the Republic University (UDELAR, Montevideo) in 2001 with a degree on Math with Statistic option, and since then he works as a teacher at the ORT University in Uruguay[2] and works as statistician.

His interest as an investigator relies in connecting history with math and statistics.

Carlos Gardel birthplace dispute

He became know in a reportage of the 'Diario el País de Montevideo' on June 24, 2012,[3] were he exposed that from his calculations Carlos Gardel could not be born in 1890 nor in 1883 or 1884 as it was debated in the moment, but in the early months of 1887.

In May 2012, under the editorial house 'Fin de Siglo', Eduardo Cuitiño published "Gardel el muerto que habla" (Gardel, the dead that speaks)[4] (book that was presented by engineer Juan Grompone along with the author Susana Cabrera[5] ), and were the mentioned Uruguayan author plays with Gardel's favorite number for his gamble, 48, that would be the age that according to him Gardel would have by the time of his death.

In his essay, the mentioned author bases how the particular biology of Carlos Gardel is explained as the result of an incestuous relation between Carlos Escayola and María Leila Oliva, pointing that the presidio of the singer in Ushuaia jail and the falsity of a supposed holographic test. Besides, it is based the existence of another child, truly French and documented, with whom Carlos Gardel was associated to gain his author and image rights, in base of a 1904 document.

Gardel in 1904 was detained in a commissariat in Florencio Varela, and according the statements in the records, he had a height of 160 centimeters. To reconcile biologically that height with the supposed French boy, the true height should have been 140 centimeters.

Eduardo Cuitiño was interviewed by different press media to that regard, and his thesis on the origin of Carlos Gardel received a strong accolade by taking officially by the Mayor's Office of Tacuarembó Gardel's year of birth 1887, respecting what Gardel in life left in all his documents: Uruguayan, born in Tacuarembó in 1887.

Despite the height analysis by Cuitiño, scholars around the world generally accept that Gardel was born in 1890 in Toulouse, France, based on a verified contemporary birth certificate signed by his mother, rather than the second one that Gardel ordered to be made in Buenos Aires in 1920 when he was 29 years old. The Toulouse birth certificate was verified by a research team in 2012.[6] Scholars such as Vanderbilt University history professor Simon Collier, University of Belgrano agriculture history professor Osvaldo Barsky and Uruguayan history professor Jorge Ruffinelli from Stanford University write about the birthplace dispute and how Gardel must have been born in France. It is accepted that Gardel was raised in Buenos Aires from an early age, and that he falsified his birthplace documents in 1920 to avoid problems with the French military, because he was a French citizen by birth but he failed to register for World War I as required. Gardel probably chose Uruguay as a false birthplace because Uruguay was neutral during the war. Scholars generally agree that Gardel never lived in Uruguay.[7]

Jack the Ripper

Actually, Eduardo Cuitiño is concentrated in a new essay on the true identity of Jack the Ripper, on who he has already published a novel “Viajando en el tiempo para atrapar a Jack el Destripador" (Traveling in time to catch Jack the Ripper).[8] Again, according to his calculations, the mythic Jack the Ripper would be no other that Stephen Herbert Appleford, who surely did not acted alone.

With his investigation, Eduardo Cuitiño, adds to the short list of authors that in Latin America have seriously addressed the issue of "Jack the Ripper", this way he sums his name to those of the Nicaraguan Arquímides González and his compatriot Gabriel Pombo.



Articles in written press

Conferences and other videos

Image gallery – Montevideo

Image gallery – Rivera

See also


  1. File of the book "Gardel the dead that speaks" and biography of Eduardo Cuitiño, digital site "Fin de Siglo", May 13, 2013.
  2. Teachers of ORT-Uruguay University: Eduardo Cuitiño Bosio (engineering).
  3. Tesis de matemático confirma que Gardel nació en Uruguay en 1887 (entrevista realizada a Eduardo Cuitiño), subtítulo: Aniversario de la muerte del "Mago". Una combinación de gráficas estadísticas, estudios genéticos y análisis de fotografías aportan nueva luz sobre un viejo misterio. La estatura del cantante es clave, digital site 'El País', June 24, 2012.
  4. Intervención de Eduardo Cuitiño en la presentación de “Gardel; el muerto que habla”, digital site 'Fin de Siglo', mai 28 2013 (ficha del libro).
  5. Presentación del libro "Gardel, el muerto que habla", Teatro de la Asociación Cristiana de Jóvenes, mai 28 2013.
  6. Dema, Verónica (September 20, 2012). "Fin del misterio: muestran la partida de nacimiento de Gardel" [End of the mystery: they show Gardel's birth certificate] (in Spanish). La Nación. Retrieved October 3, 2012.
  7. Carlos Gardel was born in France:
      Collier, Simon (1986). The Life, Music, and Times of Carlos Gardel. University of Pittsburgh Press. p. 5. ISBN 0822984989.
      Barsky, Julián; Barsky, Osvaldo (2004). Gardel: La biografía (in Spanish). Taurus. ISBN 9870400132.
      Ruffinelli, Jorge (2004). La sonrisa de Gardel: Biografía, mito y ficción (in Spanish). Ediciones Trilce. p. 31. ISBN 9974323568.
      Bocaz, Luis (March 1986). "Tango Time", UNESCO Courier, p. 11.
  8. Eduardo Cuitiño, “Viajando en el tiempo para atrapar a Jack el Destripador”, digital site 'Pombo & Pombo', September 27, 2012.
  9. Presentan "Anecdotario de Carlos Gardel": Contate otra, Carlitos, digital site 'Montevideo-comm', October 2, 2013.
  10. Patrimonio Nacional: Carlos Gardel (tango), sunday, octubre 6 2013, digital site 'Pueblo Tricolor'.
  11. Patrimonio Nacional, digital site 'Pasión Tricolor'.

External links

Wikimedia Commons has media related to Eduardo Cuitiño.