Edmund Samarakkody

Lanka Sama Samaja Party

Youth Leagues
Suriya-Mal Movement
Bracegirdle Incident
1953 Hartal

Philip Gunawardena
Pieter Keuneman
Anil Moonesinghe
N.M. Perera
Edmund Samarakkody
Tissa Abeysekara
Colvin R de Silva
Caroline Anthonypillai
S.A. Wickremasinghe

European Radicals in Sri Lanka

Politics of Sri Lanka
Political parties in Sri Lanka
Elections in Sri Lanka

Fourth International

Communism Portal

Edmund Samarakkody (1912 1992) was a leading Trotskyist in Sri Lanka and at one time a member of that country's parliament. He was a leader of the Fourth International's section, the LSSP, and a supporter of the establishment of the United Secretariat of the Fourth International in 1963. After the LSSP was expelled from the International, he co-founded the Lanka Sama Samaja Party (Revolutionary) (LSSP(R)), which was the section of the Fourth International. After disagreements with Bala Tampoe, he left the International after its1969 World Congress. After attempting to gain recognition for his new group, he courted the iSt, now International Communist League but did not end up merging. He worked alongside the Italian GOR for a period following this.

In 1960 he was elected as LSSP Member of Parliament for the Bulathsinhala constituency. However, in 1965, contesting from the LSSP(R), he received only 278 votes in the same electorate - the LSSP's Mangala Moonesinghe was elected MP with 14,023 votes.

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