Edison Park Elementary School

Edison Park Creative and Expressive Arts Elementary School teaches engagement with the visual arts provides students with repeated opportunities to make choices and create unique pieces of art using their own skills. This direct correlation between decision-making and production instantly stimulates all students and promotes self-confidence. The visual arts program fosters an appreciation and understanding of the many aesthetic properties of our world. This appreciation allows the maturity of a student to progress while jointly utilizing creativity and imagination.

In the elementary drama program, children act out their perceptions of the world while learning to appreciate the perception of others. The primary emphasis is development of self-expression through reading texts and then applying understanding to vocal, physical and emotional characterization.

Music education involves musical production, aesthetics, history and evaluation. Each of these disciplines provides a different perspective that contributes to a fuller understanding of music. The goal is for the students to learn how to create, perceive, comprehend and critique music.

The elementary dance program provides students with the opportunity to explore a variety of movement genres, each focusing on skill development, active participation, creativity and self-expression.

Edison Park Creative and Expressive Arts Elementary School is a historic school in Fort Myers, Florida. It is located at 2401 Euclid Avenue. On May 5, 1999, it was added to the U.S. National Register of Historic Places.

This property is part of the Lee County Multiple Property Submission, a Multiple Property Submission to the National Register.



  1. Historical Marker

External links

Wikimedia Commons has media related to Edison Park Elementary School.