Ederlezi (song)

"Ederlezi" is a popular traditional folk song of the Romani minority in the Balkans.

The song got its name from Ederlezi which is a Spring festival, especially celebrated by Romani people in the Balkans, Turkey and elsewhere around the world. This holiday celebrates the return of springtime. Ederlezi is the Romani name for the Bulgarian, Macedonian and Serbian Feast of Saint George. It is celebrated on 6 May [O.S. 23 April] (occurring approximately 40 days after the spring equinox). The various Balkan spellings (Herdeljez, Erdelezi) are variants of the Turkish Hıdırellez, a holiday signaling the beginning of spring, occurring on the same day.

Under the title "Đurđevdan je a ja nisam s onom koju volim" which is featured on Bijelo Dugme's album Ćiribiribela from 1988. This text in Serbian originated on the train while travelling to The Jasenovac Concentration Camp. The lyrics were supposedly inspired by the event during World War II in the occupied Sarajevo. Ustashe contained Serbs in Holocaust train that was heading towards Jasenovac concentration camp. According to the witness that survived the camp, one of the people in the train started singing the verse: ″Đurđevdan je, a ja nisam s onom koju volim.″ Ustashe then closed the sunroof on the wagons.[1][2] There is also another song's version made by Kroke. "Ederlezi" has been used for the movie Time of the Gypsies by Emir Kusturica, in Goran Bregović's version (titled "Ederlezi (Scena Djurdjevdana Na Rijeci)"), which actually made the song famous. It was performed by the Macedonian singer Vaska Jankovska, whose unique voice contributed to its success. The song also appeared in the movie Borat, although it has no connection to the authentic music of Kazakhstan, as "Ederlezi (Scena Djurdjevdana Na Rijeci)". The text in the brackets means, in Serbian: The scene of Đurđevdan on the river - that is a description of the movie scene of Đurđevdan celebration on a river in the movie Time of the Gypsies where that song was used. Sacha Baron Cohen's movie doesn't have a Đurđevdan river scene. The song title (and description) was taken from Kusturica's movie soundtrack.[3][4] In both soundtrack albumsTime of the Gypsies and Stereophonic Musical Listenings That Have Been Origin in Moving Film "Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan" – it was credited to Goran Bregović, although he is not the author nor the singer of the song on these albums. However, he is the arranger of the song. Bregović also recorded a version with Polish lyrics, titled "Nie ma, nie ma ciebie", together with Polish singer Kayah. The band Beirut also does a cover of Ederlezi, and Italian saxophonist Daniele Sepe too. The Boston based band Bury Me Standing has a cover as well. The Gypsy Rebels [www.thegypsyrebels.com] of Toronto, Ontario also cover this song, featuring the vocals of Micheal T. Butch and his band.

A version with Greek lyrics, titled "Tou Ai Giorgi" ("Saint George's", Greek: "Του Αη Γιώργη"), was also recorded by Bregović together with Greek singer Alkistis Protopsalti[5] in 1991. The Greek lyrics are credited to Lina Nikolakopoulou.

Bulgarian group Ku-ku band with lead singer Slavi Trifonov released the song in their several albums with all Bulgarian lyrics ("Гергьовден", Gergyovden, St. George's day), Serbo-Bulgarian lyrics ("Свети Георги", Sveti Georgi, St. George) and Romani-Serbo-Bulgarian lyrics ("Erdelezi").

Turkish singer Sezen Aksu released the song in her album named "Düğün ve Cenaze" (Wedding and Funeral) with Turkish lyrics ("Hıdrellez") in 1997. Lyrics were adapted by Sezen Aksu and Pakize Barışta.

A Yugoslavian version was released by the folk-punk musical group the No Smoking Orchestra, on their album, Time Of The Gypsies, Punk Opera, released in 2007.


Lyrics in RomaniEnglish translationBijelo Dugme's coverEnglish Translation

Sa me amala oro khelena
Oro khelena, dive kerena
Sa o Roma daje
Sa o Roma babo babo
Sa o Roma o daje
Sa o Roma babo babo
Ederlezi, Ederlezi
Sa o Roma daje

Sa o Roma babo, e bakren chinen
A me, chorro, dural beshava
Romano dive, amaro dive
Amaro dive, Ederlezi

E devado babo, amenge bakro
Sa o Roma babo, e bakren chinen
Sa o Roma babo babo
Sa o Roma o daje
Sa o Roma babo babo
Ederlezi, Ederlezi
Sa o Roma daje

All my friends are dancing the oro
Dancing the oro, celebrating the day
All the Roma, mommy
All the Roma, dad, dad
All the Roma, oh mommy
All the Roma, dad, dad
Ederlezi, Ederlezi
All the Roma, mommy

All the Roma, dad, slaughter lambs
But me, poor, I am sitting apart
A Romany day, our day
Our day, Ederlezi

They give, Dad, a lamb for us
All the Roma, dad, slaughter lambs
All the Roma, dad, dad
All the Roma, oh mommy
All the Roma, dad, dad
Ederlezi, Ederlezi
All the Roma, mommy

Proljeće na moje rame slijeće
Đurđevak zeleni
Đurđevak zeleni
Svima osim meni

Drumovi odoše a ja osta
Nema zvijezde danice
Nema zvijezde danice
Moje saputnice

Ej kome sada moja draga
Na đurđevak miriše
Na đurđevak miriše
Meni nikad više

Evo zore evo zore
Bogu da se pomolim
Evo zore evo zore
Ej đurđevdan je
A ja nisam s onom koju volim

Njeno ime neka se spominje
Svakog drugog dana
Svakog drugog dana
Osim đurđevdana

Spring is landing on my shoulder
Lily of the valley is sprouting
Lily of the valley is sprouting
For everyone, except for me

The roads are gone, but I've stayed
There is no Morning Star
There is no Morning Star
My fellow-traveler

Hey, to whom does my darling now
Smells of the lily of the valley
Smells of the lily of the valley
To me never again

Here comes the dawn,
here comes the dawn
So I can pray to God
Here comes the dawn,
here comes the dawn
Hey it's St George's day
And I am not with the one I love

Let her name be mentioned
On every other day
On every other day
Except on St George's day

Greek coverEnglish TranslationBulgarian coverEnglish translation

Απ' τους ώμους να, η Άνοιξη περνά,
γύρω φτερουγίζει,
ξεχνάει εμένα.
Μέρα της χαράς ποια ζωή φοράς;
Δρόμο δρόμο παίρνεις
χωρίς εμένα.

Του ουρανού πουλιά πάρτε με αγκαλιά
το βουνό γεμίζει κεριά αναμμένα
Nα κι η Πούλια ξημερώνει το Θεό παρακαλώ
μα το φως που δυναμώνει
δε μου φέρνει
δε μου φέρνει
'κείνον που αγαπώ.

Το όνομα του ανθός, ευωδιάς βυθός,
πείτε στα κορίτσια να μην το λένε
μέρα σαν κι αυτή στ' Άη Γιωργιού τ' αφτί,
που όλα τα τραγούδια για αγάπη κλαίνε.

Look over the shoulders, spring passes,
flutters all around,
it forgets me
Day of joy, which life do you carry?
Υou take the road
without me.

Birds of sky, take me in your embrace
the mountain fills with lit candles
There it is the morning star, it’s breaking, I beg God
but the light which becomes stronger
it doesn’t bring me
it doesn’t bring me
the man that I love.

His name (is) flower, depth of perfume
tell to the girls not to say that
On the day like this one, at Saint George’s ear
where all the songs weep for love.

Пролетта на рамото ми кацна,
жива и зелена,(x2)
скоро е Гергьовден.
Слънце пак мечтите съживява,
млади и горещи,(x2)
скоро е Гергьовден.

Е-е-е-е-е-е-е Свети Георги ще помолим
с нас по пътя да върви,
Свети Георги, тебе молим е-е-е-е
дай ни сила с наш'та орис пак да се преборим!

Други пътища ще ни повикат,
заедно ще тръгнем,(х2)
дойде ли Гергьовден.
И над нас звезди ще се посипят,
мъката ще скрият,(х2)
дойде ли Гергьовден.

Припев: (х3)

Spring landed on my shoulder,
alive and green,(x2)
it is St. George's day soon.
Sun revives the dreams again,
young and hot,(x2)
it is St. George's day soon.

E-e-e-e-e St. George we're going to ask
to walk with us on the road,
St. George, we're begging you e-e-e-e-e-e
give us strength with our fate to fight again!

Other roads will call on us,
we will go together,(x2)
when St. George's day comes.
And stars will strew over us,
they will hide the grief,(x2)
when St. George's day comes.

Chorus: (x3)

Turkish coverEnglish TranslationPolish coverEnglish translation

Ederlezi goran,ederlezi
Kızların ağıtlar düzerken bosna yaylalarında,
Acıya bulanmıştı şenlikleri,
Ederlezi yine gelmişti her sene geldiği gibi,
Ne bilsin burada yetim kızlar var
Bu sene ederlezi babasız kalmıştı
Yetim kızların yürekleriydi gelen.

Sarı saçları mavi gözleriyle,
Gökyüzü bile özenirdi güzelliklerine,
Deniz utanırdı mavisinden,
Cenazelere uğurlanmıştı ederlezi,
Şurada yatan kefensiz, babalarımızdı
Boşnak kızları goran'ın,
Yetimdi sarıları, yetimdi mavileri.

Ah ederlezi, niye geldin bu sene
Bilmez misin, buradaki kızlar yetim
Şurada yatan babalarımızdı, kefensiz
Yaslar bağladı sarı saçlarımız
Babasızdı mavi gözlerimiz
Ve goran, haykır yine bosna dağlarına
Ederlezi kızlarım, ederlezi

The spring has come,
I've put up a red pouch on a rose's branch,
I've vowed a house with two rooms
In the name of the lover

The mountain is green, the branches are green
They woke up for the bayram
All hearts are happy
Only my fate is black

Jonquils are smelling everywhere,
It's time.
This spring, I'm the only one
To whom bayram has not confronted

Don't cry hıdrellez
Don't cry for me
I've sowed pain, and instead of it,
Love will sprout, will sprout
In another spring.

He/She has neither a way (known) nor a trace
His/Her face is not familiar
The long and short of it,
My wish from the God is, love.

I don't have anyone I love, I don't have a spouse
One more day has dawned.
O my star of luck!
Smile to me

Zima na ramiona moje spadła
Niewinnością białym śniegiem
Pierwsza gwiazda już na niebie
Nie ma nie ma ciebie

Ogień tańczyć zaczął już w kominie
A choinka się zieleni
Serca ludziom opromieni
Moje w kamień zmieni

Śnieg zasypał dzisiaj wszystkie drogi
Niewinnością białym płaszczem
Twoich śladów nie wypatrzę
Nie mam cię na zawsze

Hej moje góry i doliny
Widziałyście może dziś
Dokąd odszedł mój jedyny
Hej Bóg się rodzi
Moc truchleje
Nie ma nie ma ciebie

Hej moje góry i doliny
Odpowiecie może mi
Dokąd odszedł mój jedyny
Hej Bóg się rodzi
Moc truchleje
Nie ma nie ma ciebie

The winter has fallen on my shoulders
With the innocence of the snow
First star has blazed on the sky
You are not here, not here

The fire is dancing in the chimney
Green trees, signs of joy
Will brighten people’s hearts
Only mine will be turned into stone

Snow has covered all the roads
With the white coat of innocence
Your traces cannot be seen
I do not owe you forever

Oh my mountains and valleys
Perhaps you have seen
My dear who left me
Hey, God is being born
The Powers tremble
You are not here, not here

Oh my mountains and valleys
Perhaps you can tell me
Where did my love go
Hey, God is being born
The Powers tremble
You are not here, not here

See also
