Eddy Willems

Eddy Willems is a known Belgian security expert born in 1962.

He studied computer science at IHB and VUB Brussels. After this he started working as a Systems Analyst and programmer in 1984. In 1989 he became interested in viruses due to an incident with the ‘aids-information’-diskette Trojan incident. His solution was well received in the Belgian media and businesses. In 1991 he became a founding member of EICAR (European Institute for Computer Anti-Virus Research). Over the years he maintained a reference library of software, books and almost everything that has been published in the computer security field.

In 1995 he became a participant of Joe Wells’ Virus Wildlist. He reports for Belgium, Luxembourg and Europe. Since 1996 Willems started giving seminars and workshops about security. He wrote the “Virus Article” for the US Microsoft Encarta Encyclopedia edition 1997. In May 2000 the Belgian Government started with the E-Security Team on the BIPT-IBPT governmental Website. This early CERT-team provided quick and accurate security information for the Belgian people. Willems was the only known security expert in this team. In March 2001 Willems became a board member and the Director of Press and Information for EICAR. He has been working as Anti-Malware Technology Expert for the anti-virus industry for several commercial businesses like NOXS (a Westcon Group Company). He was also product specialist and trainer for the security products of McAfee, Trend Micro and Symantec. In 2008 he became a Security Evangelist for Kaspersky Lab. In 2009 Willems changed from EICAR position and became Director Security Industry Relationships. In 2010 Willems became a member and PR officer of the AMTSO (Anti-Malware Testing Standards Organisation) organisation.

Since the beginning of 2010 he is working as Security Evangelist for the security company G Data Software AG. He is doing anti-malware and security research, consultancy, training and communication with press, distributors, resellers and end users. Eddy Willems often speaks at known security conferences like Virus Bulletin, EICAR, AVAR, InfoSec and others. He is also a recognized security media expert with experience in live TV ranging from local Benelux to international TV stations like CNN.

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