Economy picking

Economy picking is a guitar picking technique designed to maximise picking efficiency by combining alternate picking and sweep picking. Specifically:

This minimises movement in the picking hand, and avoids the motion of "jumping" over a string prior to picking it, as often occurs in alternate-picking when changing strings. Thus the picking pattern of an ascending three-note-per-string scale would be: D-U-D-D-U-D-D-U-D, and the descending pattern would start just like alternate picking (up stroke first): U-D-U-U-D-U-U-D-U.

Guitarists known for their economy picking technique

Gypsy picking

The picking technique of gypsy jazz has been described[2] as similar to economy picking, but with the further requirement that the pattern switches from string to string in either direction, a rest stroke will be performed. For example, on switching from the G to the B string, the plectrum will move in the same direction and come to rest on the E string. However, on switching from the B to the G string, the plectrum will move upward and execute a down stroke on the G string, again coming to rest on the B string. This technique was employed by gypsy guitarist Django Reinhardt and has been preserved by gypsy guitarists. However, he did not invent it. Exactly why Django used this technique is a mystery. He may have learned it from other gypsy players, of whom two of his chief influences were banjoist Gusti Mahla and guitarist Jean "Poulette" Castro.[3] However, this technique was commonly taught in numerous guitar methods in the early twentieth century and was employed by American jazz banjo players.[4]


  1. Les Paul Sweeps
  2. Michael Horowitz: Gypsy Picking
  3. Michael Dregni: "Django: The Life and Music of a Gypsy Legend "
  4. Michael Horowitz: Gypsy Picking

Further reading

Economy Picking Lesson from Ultimate-Guitar