Eclipse Trilogy

The Eclipse Trilogy (also referred to as A Song Called Youth trilogy) is a series of three science fiction English language cyberpunk novels by John Shirley, (Eclipse, Eclipse Penumbra, and Eclipse Corona).

Like most cyberpunk novels, the books depict a dystopian future, set in a hypothetical early 21st century where the Soviet Union did not fall, and by the time of the action in the novel, has invaded Western Europe, causing massive disruption and destruction. Their armies are only repelled by the (unseen) use of tactical nuclear weapons, resulting in a stalemate, somewhat like the middle years of World War I.

To keep order behind the lines of battle and free up troops for actual fighting, NATO has contracted with the Second Alliance Security Corporation (SA), a right-wing, private security company of mercenaries who have a hidden (fascist) agenda unbeknownst to most of those who hired them. The heroes (or anti-heroes) of the series are the New Resistance, who are fighting to expose and defeat the SA's attempt to grab power and racist policies.

The scope of the story is worldwide, but the main action mostly takes place in Europe, on a small Caribbean island and on humanity's first space colony.

The novels are very graphic in their depictions of sex, violence and gore, adding to the bleak view of the future common in cyberpunk fiction.

An updated, re-edited version of the trilogy has been released by Prime Books in a single omnibus volume, A SONG CALLED YOUTH.


"Smiling" Rick Crandall is the leader of the SA is a charismatic American preacher/televangelist.

Steinfeld is the leader of the New Resistance (NR), a former Mossad agent.

Jack "Smoke" Brendon is a former professor, the public face of the NR. He is the first character we meet, disillusioned and living in a bombed out Amsterdam.

Dan "Hard-Eyes" Torrence is the NR's best fighter.

Claire Rimpler is the protected daughter of the man who runs the space colony, FirStep.

Characteristic technologies, developments and advances

Various technologies and societal changes are employed in this fictional world, and help define it while also anticipating the future through extrapolation and/or speculation. Among these are:

Critical reception and influence

On the book jacket of the 2012 rerelease, William Gibson calls Shirley "cyberpunk's patient zero." Bruce Sterling is quoted as calling the trilogy "a complex, bizarre, and unique vision of the near future, with a kaleidoscopic mix of politics, pop, and paranoia." Since its original publication in the 1990s the series has shown to be prophetic of the growth of Christian fundamentalism in the US, the use of domestic spying via drones and increasing international anxiety about race.


  1. Shirley, John. A Song Called Youth. Prime: 2012.