East Norfolk Militia

East Norfolk Militia

Officer of the Norfolk Militia, 1759
Active 1757–1881
Country Great Britain, United Kingdom
Type Infantry
George Walpole, 3rd Earl of Orford

The Norfolk Militia was formed under the Militia Act of 1757, replacing earlier less formal arrangements. From this date, better records were kept, and the men were selected by ballot to serve for longer periods. Proper uniforms and better weapons were provided, and the force was 'embodied' from time to time for training sessions.

In 1758 the Earl of Orford put the "Act for the better regulating of the Militia" into execution. This set the number of men to serve in the militia in Norfolk at 960, with the city of Norwich providing 151. The Norfolk Militia was divided into the 1st Battalion Western Regiment of the Norfolk Militia (West Norfolk Militia) and the 2nd Battalion Eastern Regiment of the Norfolk Militia (East Norfolk Militia).[1] Between 1797 and 1798 there was also a 3rd Battalion of the Norfolk Militia, but this was not re-raised in 1803.[2]

The East Norfolk Militia was, jointly with the West Norfolk, the first regiment formed under the Bill of 1757, and was also recognised as the first to offer to "march wherever they might be most serviceable to the public defence." Consideration was given by King George II "that every mark of his Royal Favour should be shown to this Corps" and that they "should be distinguished by the title of Militia Royal".[1]


On 4 June 1759 the Eastern Battalion was reviewed by the Earl of Orford on Magdalen Fairstead, just outside Norwich. The event was reported in the press, with the conduct of the men being praised and a statement that the unit was now able to be ready to march given 4 days notice.[3] The establishment of the unit was given as 1 Colonel, 1 Lt. Colonel, 1 Major, 11 Captains, 11 Lieutenants, 8 Ensigns, 1 Adjutant, 24 Sergeants, 24 drummers and 466 rank and file.[1]

On Wednesday 4 July 1759 both battalions began a march from Norwich to Portsmouth barracks, to accept orders from Major General Holmes.[4] Marching via Beccles, Ipswich, Colchester, Islington, and Petersfield they arrived at Portsmouth on Tuesday 24 July. During the march, they were reviewed by King George II at Kensington Palace.[1] Due to the heat, the Militia divisions were setting off soon after midnight,[5] but were described as being in good spirits.[6] By August the divisions were alternately guarding prisoners of war or undergoing training exercises.[7]

The Militia moved around the country from this point, being quartered in Cirencester on 5 July 1760, but moving back to guard prisoners in Norfolk in July.[8] On 28 May 1761 HM King George awarded the 2 Battalions of the Norfolk Militia with a Warrant for Colours.[9] In November the East Norfolk Militia was ordered to Fakenham, then to remain at Wells and Walsingham for the duration of the Fakenham Fair.[10]

In 1798 all of the officers and most of the rank and file volunteered themselves for service in Ireland.[11] The Militia was disembodied at Great Yarmouth in 1814, and was not called out again until 1820. In 1853 the 'Norfolk Militia Artillery was formed from detatchments of West and East Norfolk Militia. 52 men transferred from the East Norfolk Militia.

The Militia was presented with new colours on 16 May 1854, and these were still being carried in 1898.[1] these were presented at a public ceremony held on South Denes, Great Yarmouth that was attended by 10,000 persons, including civic dignitaries.[1] The day concluded with a ball held at the Town Hall, which had been decorated with the new colours, mirrors and stars formed of bayonets.[1]

An order for the provision of Militia barracks at Great Yarmouth was made in 1853. In 1855 it was noted that the government intended to convert the arsenal at Yarmouth into barracks for the 2 field officers, 15 serjeants and 408 men of the East Norfolk Militia, with Great Yarmouth barracks having been converted into an Admiralty hospital.[1]

In 1856, the East Norfolk Militia left Great Yarmouth by train, traveling for encampment at Colchester. At Colchester railway station they were met by the band of the Royal Essex Rifles.[12] The strength at this time was recorded as 1 Major, 13 officers, 3 sergeants and 415 men.[1]

On April 23 the units at Colchester, including the East Norfolk Militia, were reviewed by Prince Albert, but June 4 saw orders issued for the East Norfolk Militia to return to Great Yarmouth for disembodiment.


Re-enactors wearing the later (pre-Waterloo) pattern uniform of the East Norfolk Militia.

The uniform of the Milita was Scarlet turned up with Black.[13] Long boots were discontinued, except for mounted officers, on 12 April 1814. On June 22 1820 epaulettes, buttons and ornaments of dress were changed from gold to silver, although serving officers were permitted to retain their old style of uniform unless called on for actual service. In January 1831 the old uniform was finally discontinued, with orders that all uniforms must meet the King's last regulations and include black velvet and silver epaulettes.[14]

Gold lace was restored to the Militia on June 5 1882, at the same time as the then 4th Battalion Norfolk Regiment badge was changed from the castle and lion to the figure of Britannia.

De Narde's grave at Dereham.

Prisoner shooting

In 1799 the East Norfolk Militia was escorting French prisoners of war from Yarmouth to Norman Cross. The bell tower of Dereham church was employed as a makeshift overnight cell for these prisoners. Jean De Narde, a 28 year lieutenant and son of a notary from St. Malo, managed to escape from the tower, but was unable to leave the churchyard due to posted sentries.

Being unable to escape, De Narde chose to hide in a tree - but his absence was noted and he was soon discovered by a Sergeant. De Narde ignored demands to surrender and was shot and killed by the Sergeant. The local people of Dereham were ashamed of this killing and a monument was provided by public subscription.[15]

Commanding Officers

The following is a list of the commanding officers of the East Norfolk Militia taken up unit the 1881 reorganisation.[1]

Notable members

Successor units

In 1881, following reorganisation of the British Army as part of the Childers Reforms, the East Norfolk Militia became the 4th Battalion of the Norfolk Regiment. Later titled the Royal Norfolk Regiment, it was amalgamated with the neighbouring Suffolk Regiment to form the 1st East Anglian Regiment. In 1964, the regiment became part of the Royal Anglian Regiment.

Re-enactment Group

The East Norfolk Militia is a Napoleonic era re-enactment group, formed in 2000 to help celebrate the bicentenary of Horatio Nelson, 1st Viscount Nelson being awarded the Freedom of the Great Yarmouth Borough and with local radio presenter Wally Webb being a notable member.[17] In 2005 they took part in events to mark the bicentenary of the Battle of Trafalgar at the Royal Norfolk Show.[18] They perform ceremonial and guard duties for events in and around the East Anglia region[19][20] in addition to taking part in living history events, and are booked to take part in the bicentenary re-enactment of the Battle of Waterloo.[21]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 Harvey, Col. Sir Charles (1898). History of the 4th Battalion Norfolk Regiment (Late East Norfolk Militia). Jarrold & Sons.
  2. Online Database of Early British Military Buttons
  3. Ipswich Journal. Jun 6, 1759. Missing or empty |title= (help)
  4. WO Militia Marching Orders Vol.84: 3. 1759. Missing or empty |title= (help)
  5. Chambers, John (1829). General History of the County of Norfolk. J. Stacy.
  6. Ipswich Journal. Jul 14, 1759. Missing or empty |title= (help)
  7. London Evening Post. Aug 9, 1759. Missing or empty |title= (help)
  8. Marching Orders Vol.84. 1760. Missing or empty |title= (help)
  9. 1776 WO Militia Letter Book Vol.2: 36. 1760–1776. Missing or empty |title= (help)
  10. Marching Orders Vol.57: 129. Nov 20, 1761. Missing or empty |title= (help)
  11. Matchett, G (1822). Norfolk and Norwich Remembrancer and Vade-mecum. Matchett & Stevenson.
  12. The Essex Standard and Eastern Counties Advertiser. Feb 1, 1856. Missing or empty |title= (help)
  13. London Evening Post. Jul 17–19, 1759. Missing or empty |title= (help)
  14. Reg. order book. Jan 1831. Missing or empty |title= (help)
  15. The East Norfolk Militia: Jean De Narde
  16. Dictionary of Canadian Biography
  17. East Norfolk Militia march past Great Yarmouth Town Hall during the town's busy annual Maritime Festival
  18. East Norfolk Militia celebrate Trafalgar anniversary
  19. Shots of rum raised in honour of Admiral Nelson
  20. Trafalgar Day, Great Yarmouth, 2014.
  21. Waterloo 200 B Division


External links