Earth (Noon Universe)

In the Noon Universe created by Boris and Arkady Strugatsky Earth is one of the planets populated by humans as well as their assumed origin. It is identical to the modern Earth except for the fact that it is set in the 22nd century. Earth is particularly described in Noon: 22nd Century, the first (chronologically and published) book of Noon Universe series.


As already stated, Earth of the 22nd century is populated by humans whose civilization is the most scientifically advanced (of human ones) in the known Universe. The whole planet is one great state governed by the World Council composed of the brightest scientists, philosophers, historians and strategists. The political system may therefore be described as a technocracy but many aspects of life on Earth resemble the idealistic vision of communism so much, that it is widely accepted to consider Earth a truly communistic state. The characters in the books (for example, in Hard to Be a God) often refer to themselves as "communars", too.


Apparently, Earth of the Noon Universe is set in an alternative future, where the Soviet Union has somehow managed to realize the ideals of communism proclaimed by Karl Marx and Vladimir Lenin in the second half of 20th century and continued spreading them peacefully over the planet. Soon afterwards the entire planet was united, all wars ceased and a (seemingly) utopian future began.

First of all, it was marked by extensive exploration of Earth own secrets such as those of ocean and Earth's depths. However, more fascinating were the studies of the space. At the beginning they were limited to the exploration of the Solar System (see The Land of Crimson Clouds) but with the invention of photon engine the inter-stellar flights became possible (see Ruzhena). Simultaneously, due to various technological advances in other fields, by the end of the 21st century Earth was capable of satisfying all material needs of its citizens including spaceships for amateur exploration of the galaxy.

For more information about 22nd century, see Noon Universe Chronology.


The Earth's humans are the most technologically advanced civilization in the Noon Universe (except for Wanderers and maybe Tagorians). Some of their technologies utilize the well-known principles of physics while the others are rather of sci-fi nature.

Interstellar Transport

Intraplanetar Transport

Apart from these there are also more conventional transport means used on Earth like submarines and helicopters, that probably remained from older times, but were, of course, modernized to match the safety requirements.



Information Technology


World Council

The World Council is the main governing body on Earth as well as on its colonies all over the Noon Universe. However, each of the colonies has its own World Council to handle local problems, while the Earth's one usually only suggests the overall policy. On Earth, the Council determines the distribution of energy and other resources between various institutions like institutes, laboratories and universities. Famous members of the World Council include: August-Iogann-Maria Bader, Leonid Gorbovsky, Gennady Komov and Rudolf Sikorski.

Independent Reconnaissance Unit

IRU (or FSG - Free Search Group) was a label for all non-professional explorers who went into space to discover and study new planets and stars. According to the authors of "The time of the disciples" (Время учеников), a collection of stories by authors other than the Strugatsky brothers set in the Noon Universe, the IRU existed during the period between 2114 and 2193 AD. To become a member of IRU one needed mere a piloting license and a flight registration issued by COMCON. After that, one was free to visit the planet he decided to and study it, unless there was a native civilization on it in which case he or she was supposed to leave the planet immediately after destroying all traces of one's presence.


Committee for Contacts with Other Civilizations (ComCon or COMCON) is an organization that directs the diplomatic negotiations between Earth and alien civilizations as well as the progressors' actions towards human ones. Officially, the Earth World Council makes all decisions, but usually it's up to COMCON to decide which actions should be discussed there and which not.


Committee for Control of Scientific Achievements was founded in 2137 AD to ensure the safety of the human civilization on Earth. Unlike COMCON-1, COMCON-2 is surrounded by much more mystery, which inevitably leads to a certain suspicion from the general public of Earth and even casual comparisons with Soviet KGB. The first COMCON-2 chief was Rudolf Sikorski (until 2178 AD) and after that - his apprentice, Maxim Kammerer.

Galactic Security Council

GSC is a security organization like COMCON-2 founded in 2142 AD. While COMCON-2 deals with extraterrestrial threats to Earth and mankind, GSC deals with civilizations that were potentially influenced by Wanderers, such as Saraksh or Saula. Following the events of Prisoners of Power, GSC made the Land of Fathers its protectorate.

Institute of Space Physics

Founded in 2110s on Kotlin Island (Gulf of Finland) ISP always concentrated on the most difficult and nearly unsolvable problems of modern physics. Some of these include: gravitation problems, deritrinitration, theory of discrete space, etc. The latter problem was the leading one in 2130s when the scientists tried to prove the theory of intersecting universes with the help from the "readers", a handful of people who were able to read others' thoughts. See Noon: 22nd Century for more info.

Institute of Experimental History

After half a century of idle, importance of IEH rose drastically with the discovery of Saula and other human planets. The specialization of this Institute is the history of human civilizations and means to speed it up (to "progress" it). The field agents of IEH are therefore referred to as "progressors". In the middle of the 22nd century IEH studies were considered to be the most important ones (along with null-physics) on Earth. See Hard to Be a God for more info.

Earth and other civilizations

A brief summary of Earth's relationships with other civilizations:

Relationships with alien races

Relationships with human civilizations


  1. Absolute reflector is a product of mesoatomic chemistry, the science dealing with artificial atoms, electron orbitals of which are replaced with muons.