Early Childhood Education Journal

Early Childhood Education Journal  
Abbreviated title (ISO 4)
Discipline Early Childhood Education
Language English
Edited by Mary Renck Jalongo
Publication details
Springer (International)
Publication history
1973 - present
Frequency 6/year
ISSN 1082-3301 (print)
1573-1707 (web)

The Early Childhood Education Journal analyzes issues, trends, policies, and practices for early childhood education from birth through age eight.

Abstracted/Indexed in

Academic Search, Cabell's, Contents Pages in Education, CSA/Proquest, Current Abstracts, Educational Management Abstracts, Educational Research Abstracts Online (ERA), Educational Technology Abstracts, ERIC System Database, ERIH, Gale, Google Scholar, HW Wilson, MathEDUC, Mathematics Education, Multicultural Education Abstracts, OCLC, OmniFile, PsycINFO, SCOPUS, Sociology of Education Abstracts, Special Education Needs Abstracts, Studies on Women & Gender Abstracts, Summon by Serial Solutions, Technical Education & Training Abstracts, TOC Premier

Editorial board

Editor-in-Chief: Mary Renck Jalongo Indiana University of Pennsylvania, USA

Complete editorial board

External links