Earl B. Hunt

Earl B. Hunt (born January 8, 1933) is an American psychologist specializing in the study of human and artificial intelligence. Within these fields he has focused on individual differences in intelligence and the implications of these differences for the roles people play within a high-technology society. Now in partial retirement as emeritus professor of psychology and adjunct professor of computer science at the University of Washington. His book Will We Be Smart Enough? combines cognitive theory, demographic projections and psychometric research to measure the capabilities of tomorrow's workforce against the needs of tomorrow's workplace.[1] He is a former president of the International Society for Intelligence Research.


2001- Professor Emeritus of Psychology, University of Washington
1978-01 Professor of Psychology, Adjunct Professor of Computer Science, University of Washington
1971-78 Professor and Chair, Department of Psychology, University of Washington
1966-75 Professor of Psychology and Computer Science, University of Washington
1965-66 Associate Professor of Business Administration and Psychology, UCLA
1963-65 Senior Lecturer in Physics (Electronic Computing), University of Sydney
1963 Lecturer in Psychology, University of Sidney
1961-62 Staff Research Specialist, Western Management Science Institute, UCLA
1960-61 Acting Assistant Professor, Yale University
1959 Research Associate, Psychological Research Associates, Inc.
1954-57 United States Marine Corps

