Developer(s) Frappe Technologies Pvt Ltd
Initial release 2008
Stable release 4.25.1 [1] / April 20, 2015[2]
Development status Active
Written in Python, JavaScript, MySQL
Operating system Windows, Linux, Unix, Mac OS X
Type ERP, CRM, Accounting
License [3]

ERPNext is an Open Source integrated Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software developed by Web Notes Technologies Pvt Ltd and is built on MySQL database system using a Python (software) based server-side framework.

ERPNext is an open source alternative to NetSuite and QAD, and similar in function to Odoo (formerly OpenERP), Tryton and Openbravo.

Industry solutions

erpnext contains these modules:

Software license

ERPNext is released under the GPL. Consequently, ERPNext does not require license fees, which is a difference compared to proprietary ERP vendors. In addition, as long as the terms of the licenses are adhered to, modification of the program is possible.


ERPNext has a Model-View-Controller architecture with metadata modeling tools that add flexibility for users to adapt the software to unique purposes without the need for programming. Some attributes of the architecture are:

The underlying web app framework is called "Frappe" [4] and is maintained as a separate Project. Frappe started as a web based metadata framework inspired from Protégé[5] though it has evolved differently.

This architecture allows rapid application development (RAD).

Source Code and Documentation

The source code of ERPNEXT is hosted on GitHub,[6] using the Git revision control system, and the contributions are also handled using GitHub.

A complete user manual is available at the project website.[7]


The core innovation has been in the metadata modeling which provides for flexible use of the application without custom programming.

The user interface incorporates usability enhancements designed to improve ease of use and user productivity.

Software as a service

erpnext is available as a Software as a service in addition to user-hosting.


ERPNext provides an embedded reporting system with office suite integration. Report customization is available within ERPNext.

Key Weaknesses

A key weakness of ERPNext is there is limited automated testing. Since August 2011, developers are adding Test Cases to enhance automated testing.

Additionally, user documentation is weak and the application does not currently follow any documented standards for data modeling.


External links