EDGE of Existence programme

The EDGE of Existence programme is a research and conservation initiative that focuses on species deemed to be the world’s most Evolutionarily Distinct and Globally Endangered (EDGE). Developed by the Zoological Society of London (ZSL), the programme aims to raise awareness of the world’s EDGE species, implement targeted research and conservation actions to halt their decline, and to train in-country scientists (called EDGE Fellows) to protect them now and in the future.


Extinction Extinction Endangered species Vulnerable species Threatened species IUCN conservation statuses

Summary of 2006 IUCN Red List categories.

The EDGE programme seeks to:

Conserving EDGE species

The EDGE of Existence programme is centred on an interactive website that features information on the top 100 EDGE mammals and amphibians, detailing their specific conservation requirements. Ten focal species from each class are highlighted each year. Each of the top 100 species is given an EDGE-ometer rating according to the degree of conservation attention they are currently receiving, as well as its perceived rarity in its natural environment. Recent research suggests that 70% of the world’s top 100 EDGE mammals are currently receiving little or no conservation attention.[1] The main goal of the EDGE of Existence programme is to ensure that appropriate research and/or conservation actions are implemented for each of these species by 2012.

EDGE Fellows

EDGE research and conservation is carried out by ZSL researchers, a large network of partner organizations and in-country scientists. An integral part of the EDGE programme is the EDGE Fellows Scheme, which provides funding and support to in-country scientists for field research on the conservation status and threats facing a particular EDGE species. EDGE Fellows participate in all phases of a research project, from study design to data collection, analysis and interpretation and receive guidance and training in monitoring techniques, community outreach and education. Each project is focused on delivering a conservation action plan.

Conservation catalyst

Once the action plan is completed, a meeting with local stakeholders is held to make additions and corrections to the document and to agree on a timeline and institutional responsibilities.






Future directions

The programme is initially focusing on mammals and has recently incorporated amphibians but will expand to cover other groups, including birds, reptiles, fish and plants as the infrastructure and methods develop.


  1. Isaac NJB, Turvey ST, Collen B, Waterman C, Baillie JEM (2007). Reid, Walt, ed. "Mammals on the EDGE: Conservation Priorities Based on Threat and Phylogeny". PLoS ONE 2 (3): e296. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0000296. PMC 1808424. PMID 17375184.
  2. "First known footage of wild long-eared jerboas". ZSL EDGE website. 2007-12-10.
  3. "Rare pygmy hippos caught on film". BBC News Online. 2008-03-10.

External links