EBS University of Business and Law

EBS Universität für Wirtschaft und Recht
Motto Inspiring Personalities.
Established 1971
Type Private
President Rolf Wolff
Academic staff
33 Core Faculty Members (therof 25 Business school, 8 law school), 11 adjunct Professors, 19 honorary professors und 7 international visiting professors [1]
Students 1.514
(including doctoral students)
Location Wiesbaden, Oestrich-Winkel, Hessen, Germany
Website http://www.ebs.edu/

The private EBS Universität für Wirtschaft und Recht in Wiesbaden and Oestrich-Winkel was founded in 1971. The university's activities focus on 3 core areas: undergraduate, postgraduate programs and executive education. The EBS Universität für Wirtschaft und Recht has the right to award doctorate and habilitations.

With the foundation of its law faculty, European Business School International University was awarded university status, forming EBS University of Business and Law.


View into the inner courtyard of EBS Business School

EBS was founded in Offenbach am Main as a University of Applied Sciences by Klaus Evard in 1971. The young institution was named European Business School. In 1980 the School moved to Schloss Reichartshausen in Oestrich-Winkel in the Rheingau. In 1989 it was awarded higher education status, in 1993 the right to confer doctoral degrees and in 1998 the right to confer post-doctoral (professorial) qualifications. In 2005 EBS opened its second campus location in the Rheingau Palais in Wiesbaden-Schierstein, which became the institution's official seat in 2008. On 16 June 2010, EBS Law School was founded as a second faculty alongside EBS Business School and "Universität in Gründung" (University under formation) status was gained. EBS Law School is located in Wiesbaden and the official seat of EBS Universität has now been moved from Wiesbaden-Schierstein to the Gustav-Stresemann-Ring in Wiesbaden. Since September 2011 the EBS Universität für Wirtschaft und Recht has the official status of a university.

Campus of EBS Business School

Financial Situation and Distress

At the end of 2010 the equity accounted for 1.45 million euro and according to media coverage the equity was nearly exhausted at the end of 2011.[2] At the end of 2012 the Hessian Court of Audit reported that without lasting addition of equitay of equity-similar loans the EBS is unable to prevent debt overload and secure liquidty.[3] The Hessian Court of Audit also accused the state government of lacking examinations of soundness and liquidity of the university.[4] In 2011 the state reclaimed nearly one million euro due to misappropriated usage of funds.[2]

After EBS had announced a deficit of 2.2 million euros for 2010, in its delayed financial statements for 2011, it had to state a loss of 7.2 million euros for 2011. This lead to a negative equity of 5.8 million euros.[5] The report predicted further losses for the years 2012 and 2013.

Extension for payment of rent because of financial distress

In May 2013, reports by renowned German newspapers Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung and Frankfurter Rundschau made public, that the City of Wiesbaden had granted EBS an extension for payment of the rent due for the premises used by EBS at Wiesbaden.[6][7] In total, a sum of 400.000 € rent for the months April to December 2013 was concerned. Rainer Schäfer, CEO of the municipal Holding WVV, justified the disputed extension for payment, by stating that EBS would have become insolvent, if the City of Wiesbaden had not made such concessions.[6]

After the economic situation of EBS remained critical throughout the year 2013, the university asked the City of Wiesbaden for another extension for payment in November 2013. This concerned another 188.000 Euro rent due in 2014. However, the City of Wiesbaden refused to make more concessions and leading municipal politicians recommended that EBS should rather enter insolvency proceedings.[8]

Wage cuts and withdrawal of the Chancellors

Since the envisaged extension for payment was an essential component of the financial survival plan, the rejection by the city of Wiesbaden forced employees to agree upon the cutting of part of their salary and all bonus payments for 2013 and 2014.[9] After employees had already forgone bonus payments for 2012, the recent loss of pay is supposed to have contributed to further staff losses.[10] On the same day on which the rejection of the extension for payment by the City of Wiesbaden had become public, EBS announced that long-term Chancellor Georg Garlichs would leave EBS as from April 1, 2014.[11] His successor as chancellor, Olaf Güllich, left EBS only seven months after taking office on 31 October 2014.[12] Ever since, the office of Chancellor is vacant at EBS University.

Focus areas

Besides attending courses in business, management and economics, all students take a course in philosophy that delivers fundamental knowledge in the philosophy of science and ethics. Furthermore, the EBS Coaching programme is offered to all students and doctoral candidates. Each year, the EBS Symposium invites leading figures from the business world, students and journalists to the Rheingau. The University also offers professional continuing education programmes for specialists and managers. EBS is a member of the academic section of the UN Global Compact, a global initiative to promote corporate citizenship.


Study Programmes

A focus of education is set on personality development: every student has the option to receive several coaching sessions from successful business managers in each semester. Apart from their studies in business, economics and management, students participate in a studium universale that teaches important concepts of philosophy and ethics. EBS also offers executive education and off-the-job training for leaders and future leaders in management.

Besides the Business School, four affiliated academies offer a number of Post-Graduate-Studies: the EBS Immobilienakademie (EBS Academy of Real Estate), the EBS Finanzakademie (EBS Academy of Finance), the EBS Gesundheitsakademie (EBS Academy of Health) and the EBS Management Academy.

EBS Business School

Bachelor of Science (BSc) - Full-Time
All full-time bachelor programmes take 6 semesters and are accredited with 210 ECTS.

Bachelor of Science - Part-Time
The part-time bachelor takes 8 semesters and is accredited with 210 ECTS.

Master of Science (MSc) - Full-Time
Students can choose between a 3 semesters programme with 1 semester abroad, accredited with 120 ECTS, and a 4 semesters dual-degree programme with 2 semesters abroad, accredited with 140 ECTS. For non-German students an abroad semester is non-mandatory.

Master of Science (MSc) - Part-Time
The part-time bachelor programme is accredited with 90 ECTS and takes 4 semesters.

Executive Programmes

Doctoral Programmes

EBS Law School

Since September 2011, EBS Law School at EBS Universität offers the following first degree programmes for law students:

Student Life

Students get together in student initiatives, so called "ressorts", to address social concerns, organize special events or consult small and mid-sized businesses. One very important event is the annual EBS Symposium which brings together renowned personalities of business and politics with students and journalists to discuss current business issues.



Financial Times-Ranking

Master in Management
2014: #3 in Germany and #14 worldwide; #1 worldwide in "Corporate Strategy" and "Organisational Behaviour" [14]


Bachelor (Business School)
2014/15: Ranked among the best in 5 of the 5 considered evaluated areas [15]
Master (Business School)
2014/15: Ranked among the best in 5 of the 5 considered evaluated areas[16]

Eduniversal Ranking

Business School: #3 in Germany.[17]
Master in Management: #2 in Germany and #14 in Europe. [18]
Master in Real Estate Management: #1 in Germany and #2 worldwide [19]
Master in Financial Markets: #1 in Germany and 17 worldwide [20]
MBA Full-Time: #3 in Germany and #25 in Western Europe [21]
Exec. MBA Part-Time: #2 in Germany and #19 in Western Europe [22]

Controversies, State Prosecutor Inquiries and Raids, EBS Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry

Alcohol abuse by students

New EBS students caught attention in September 2010 as they over-consumed alcohol in September 2010 in very close proximity to the university as part of a freshman ritual.[23][24][25]

Initial public funding of the law school

The foundation of the EBS Law School should initially be funded by the state Hesse and the city Wiesbaden with 25 million euro. [26] This was especially criticized because the budgets of public universities were cut at the same time.[27] In April 2011 it became known, that the public support was double than initially planned, now accounting for 50 million euro.[28] Zudem sei die Verwendung der bereits ausgezahlten Steuergelder ungeklärt.[29] At the end of April the Hessian Ministry for Science announced to examine the reports on expenditure of funds and to freeze all aid money.[30] As a result of the examinations the university had to repay 950,000 Euro, which were during the presidency of Christopher Jahn used for other causes than for the startup of the law school.[31]

EBS-Parliamentary commission of inquiry, State Prosecutor Raid at EBS in 2014

In the parliamentary commission of inquiry of the State of Hesse as to the potential abuse by EBS of subsidies granted for the setting up of the new law faculty former EBS head of financial affairs Klaus-Peter Niesik in 2013 admitted that EBS had manipulated and brightened data in order to get State subsidies leading to the abuse of tax money.[32] Inquiries by state prosecuters because of a potential fraud at the expense of the State of Hesse led to another state prosecutor raid at the premises of leading EBS management staff on April 9, 2014.[33] A total of four offices and the flats of three indicted actual and former EBS management staff members were searched.[34]


Notable alumni

International network

The EBS maintains a global network of partner universities for the mandatory semester abroad. These universities, among others, belong to the network:[39]

Filmography & Books


  1. Hessische Landtagsdrucksache 19/818
  2. 2.0 2.1 Stefani Hergert: Privat-Uni unter Beschuss. In: Handelsblatt. Nr. 164, 24., 25., 26. August 2012, ISSN 0017-7296, S. 62 f (gekürzte Fassung online).
  3. Nach Prüfung durch Landesrechnungshof: EBS in Wiesbaden droht die Pleite. In: Wiesbadener Tagblatt, 10. Dezember 2012 (online).
  4. Rechnungshof bemängelt laxe Prüfung. In: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Nr. 194, 21. August 2012, S. 21 (online).
  5. MBA-Journal: EBS-Jahresbilanz 2011: Mit 7,2 Millionen Euro im Minus, 14 June 2013
  6. 6.0 6.1 FAZ: Stadt stundet der EBS die Miete, 27. Mai 2013
  7. Frankfurter Rundschau: EBS darf Miete später begleichen, vom 25. Mai 2013
  8. Wiesbadener Kurier: Stadt Wiesbaden lehnt Stundung der Miete ab - EBS-Universität weiter in Finanz-Not, vom 26. November 2013
  9. Wiesbadener Kurier: , 27. November 2013
  10. MBA-Journal: EBS-Finanznöte, 3. Dezember 2013
  11. FAZ:Auch Garlichs verlässt die EBS, vom 26. November 2013
  12. MBA-Journal:EBS: Prominente Abgänge, vom 30. Oktober 2014
  13. Pressemitteilung des Wissenschaftsrats
  14. "The top 70 masters in management programmes" (PDF; 14 MB). FTbusiness education – Masters in management ranking 2014. Financial Times. pp. 26–28. Retrieved 2014-10-15.
  15. http://ranking.zeit.de/che2014/de/rankingunion/show?esb=24&ab=3&hstyp=1#&left_f1=23&left_f2=62&left_f3=525&left_f4=363&left_f5=14&order=average&unionview=table&subfach=
  16. http://ranking.zeit.de/che2014/de/rankingunion/show?esb=24&ab=4&hstyp=1#&left_f1=458&left_f2=464&left_f3=453&left_f4=518&left_f5=459&order=average&unionview=table&subfach=
  17. http://www.eduniversal-ranking.com/business-school-university-ranking-in-germany.html
  18. http://www.best-masters.com/ranking-master-general-management-in-western-europe.html
  19. http://www.best-masters.com/ranking-master-real-estate-management.html
  20. http://www.best-masters.com/ranking-master-financial-markets.html
  21. http://www.best-masters.com/ranking-master-mba-full-time-in-western-europe.html
  22. http://www.best-masters.com/ranking-master-executive-mba-in-western-europe.html
  23. Elitäres Saufgelage im Freien - Polizei rettet Studenten, n-tv 5. September 2010
  24. Die Zeit: Die European Business School will ihr Image verändern, vom 3. Januar 2011
  25. Frankfurter Rundschau: Koma-Saufen an Elite-Uni, vom 5. September 2010
  26. Wiesbaden wird Sitz einer Universität, FAZ, 3. Juni 2009
  27. Universitätsstadt Wiesbaden "Da haben wir ein Ding gedreht", Frankfurter Rundschau, 17. Juni 2010
  28. European Business School - Immer mehr Steuergeld für die EBS, Frankfurter Rundschau , 11. April 2011
  29. Privatuniversität EBS: Wo steckt das Geld des Landes?, Frankfurter Rundschau, 14. April 2011
  30. 29. April 2011 - Pressemitteilung
  31. "Zeuge sieht "Missbrauch von Steuergeldern"". hr online. Retrieved 2014-04-09.
  32. "Betrug mit Fördergeld? Razzia bei European Business School". hr online. Retrieved 2014-04-09.
  33. Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung: European Business School. Betrugsermittlungen gegen Mitarbeiter der EBS, vom 9. April 2014
  34. , on May 27th 2012
  35. Philipp Schindler | Economist Conferences UK, am 18. Oktober 2011
  36. Philipp Schindler steigt in Google-Führungsriege auf, am 18. Oktober 2011
  37. http://corp.mbfs.com/mbfs-na/0-1204-1465908-1-1504903-1-0-0-0-0-0-18689-1465901-0-0-0-0-0-0-0.html
  38. Inhaltsangabe
  39. „Von Anfang an Elite“ auf phoenix.de
  40. Die jungen Manager

External links

Coordinates: 50°00′45″N 8°03′00″E / 50.01250°N 8.05000°E