
Durihana Mission is a defector aid Christian organization based in South Korea.[1]


Chinese police arrested founder Pastor Chun Ki-won in 2002 on the Mongolian border, on the escape route he pioneered. His arrest and eight month imprisonment caused a stir in South Korea, exposing the plight of North Korean defectors.

In 1995, as a missionary in the Yanji region, Chun met his first North Koreans in hiding. "These people had lost all their rights," he said. "The most important thing I could do was revive their humanity." Chun orchestrated the escapes of more than 700 North Koreans with only a handful of failures.[1][2]


  1. 1.0 1.1 "Escaping North Korea", National Geographic Magazine: 4 focusing on Chun Ki-won.
  2. "Christian underground smuggles North Koreans to safety in South", SF gate, May 15, 2003.

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