Dryden v Greater Glasgow Health Board

Dryden v Greater Glasgow Health Board
Court Employment Appeal Tribunal,[1]
Court of Session, Inner House
Employment contract, smoking

Dryden v Greater Glasgow Health Board [1992] IRLR 469 is a UK labour law case concerning the contract of employment. It held that a variation of company workplace customs, which are incorporated into individual contracts of employment can take place after a proper consultation without breaching employees' contracts.


Ms Dryden was a nursing auxiliary in a Glasgow hospital. She smoked. After consultations, which she did not contribute to, smoking was banned. She claimed constructive dismissal on the basis that the workplace custom being unilaterally changed breached her employment contract.


Lord Coulsfield held that a unilateral variation on the workplace rules did not amount to a breach of any contract term. The consultation process was influential in making the rule change legitimate.

See also



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