Driving licence in Turkey

Driving licence in Turkey (Turkish: Sürücü belgesi) is a document issued by the relevant government agency, regional or local security force, confirming the rights of the holder to drive motor vehicles. Driving licence exams are regulated by the Ministry of National Education (Turkey) while the licence is issued by the General Directorate of Security.

Requirements for Turkish citizens

In order to get a licence, applicant must fulfill these requirements:[1][2]

Requirements for foreigners

Application forms available from the Driver’s Association office (Şoförler Odasi) at the local Transport Registration Department. Requirements:[3]


New European Union equivalent classes are being developed.[4]

Class Primary Permitted Vehicle Other Permitted Vehicles Age Limit Minimum Education
A1 Motorbicycle N/A 17 Primary school
A2 Motorcycle N/A 17 Primary school
B Automobile Tractor, minibus, van 18 Primary school
C Van Truck, automobile 22 Primary school
D Tow Truck B and F class vehicles 22 Primary school
E Bus Tractor, minibus, van, truck, automoblie 22 Primary school
F Tractor N/A 17 Primary school
G Construction vehicles N/A 18 Primary school
H Automobile (handicapped) N/A 18 Primary school
  1. http://www.asbis.gov.tr/surucu-belgesi-islemleri.asp
  2. http://www.istanbul.pol.tr/trafiktescil/Sayfalar/SURUCU-BELGESI-ISLEMLERI.aspx
  3. http://turkey.angloinfo.com/transport/driving-licences/exchanging-a-licence/
  4. http://www.gazetevatan.com/ehliyet-sinifi-9-dan-17-ye-cikiyor--691788-ekonomi/