
Author S. M. Stirling
Country United States
Language English
Series The Domination
Genre Dystopian alternate history
Publisher Baen Books
Publication date
October 31, 2000
Pages 384
ISBN 0-671-31946-9
Followed by Drakon

Drakas! is an anthology in S.M. Stirling's alternate history series, The Domination.


Custer Under the Baobab

Written by: William Sanders

Centurion George Armstrong Custer, former Lieutenant colonel in the United States Army, was dishonorably discharged from the U.S. Army for cowardice in battle for not attacking a group of Sioux. He finds himself in the Dominion of Draka, where he is brought into the Kalahari Mounted Police by J.E.B. Stuart and he is asked to do a final mission, he is ordered to hunt down a group of bushmen who have killed a white Draka farmer with a lochos consisting of old C.S.A. soldiers.

Hewn in Pieces for the Lord

Written by John J. Miller

Charles George Gordon, once field marshal in both the Ottoman Empire and China, finds himself in Draka controlled Alexandria, where he tries to achieve The Plan, a plan to dam the Nile river and make it the longest navigable waterway in the world, and in order to do so seeks help from the prominent Alexander von Shrakenberg. Alexander von Shrakenberg provides him with a counter offer, defeat the rebellious Madhi in Sudan, who recently defeated William Hicks army, and he will make sure Gordon can start his project. Gordon agrees to return to the area he once brought under Ottoman government rule, only to learn he has to find Madhi before his rival, William Quantrill of the Security Directorate, does.

Written by the Wind

Written by Roland J. Green

During the Russo-Japanese war, a pair of Draka observers on a Japanese airship are witness to a brutal sea battle.

The Tradesmen

Written by David Drake

After the end of the Eurasian War (the timeline's version of World War 2), a rural Draka outpost in Europe is home to several mercenaries who 'clean up' what remains of the free locals and get paid for every ear of a killed person. In the commander's office, a change of protocol and a coincidence out in the field bring strong personalities against one another in terrible ways, over the debate if killing a child should gain the same reward as for an adult or only a partial payment.

The Big Lie

Written by Jane Lindskold

Narrated by a sniper who supposedly served with Centurion Von Shrakenberg during the Eurasian War, it is a retelling of the main events of "Marching Through Georgia" with a decidedly cynical and less propagandistic tone.

The Greatest Danger

Written by Lee Allred

Home is Where the Heart Is

Written by William Barton

A Nazi nuclear scientist, kidnapped from Germany after the Eurasian War, seeks to make a life after having been given Draka citizenship. It proves difficult in language, ethics and home life. The story jumps between his field tests of intercontinental missiles and his purchase of, and subsequent domestic encounters with, a serf woman.

The Last Word

Written by Harry Turtledove

It is after the nuclear exchange of the Final War and the Draka are landing troops in North Carolina. A group of U.S. military survivors hiding out in an underground bunker in the Appalachian Mountains seek to make the conquest as hard as possible.

A Walk in the Park

Written by Anne Marie Talbott

A woman in our timeline has read the Draka novels, and is surprised to see a pair of very Draka-looking individuals walking in the park one day.

Hunting the Snark

Written by [Markus Baur]

Upon Their Backs, to Bite 'Em

Written by John Barnes

The Peaceable Kingdom

Written by Severna Park

Doctor Hamilton Guye is a psychiatrist working for the Baltimore Police. One day a man named Malik Raun is brought to him, a man of unknown origin and with odd dialect, a man who show no fear for nothing except one thing, something called Draka.

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