Dragutin Anastasijević

Dragutin Anastasijević
Born July 30, 1877
Died August 20, 1950 (aged 73)
Nationality Serbian, Yugoslav
Occupation byzantinist and philologist
Known for being a governor of Durrës County

Dragutin Anastasijević (Kragujevac, July 30, 1877 — Belgrade, August 20, 1950) was Serbian byzantinist and philologist, a member of Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts.[1]


Anastasijević completed gymnasium in Belgrade and in 1900 he graduated from the Grande ecole (later to become the University of Belgrade) in classical philology and Byzantine Studies. At professor Božidar Prokić's recommendation he continued to pursue Byzantine Studies and modern Greek philology in Munich (his mentor was Karl Krumbacher) where he got his PhD in 1905. He was professor of Byzantine studies on University of Belgrade Faculty of Philosophy from 1906.

When army of Kingdom of Serbia occupied Ottoman Albania in 1912, Anastasijević was engaged as translator for Greek language and after a while he was appointed on position of governor of Durrës County.[2]

He was elected member of Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts in 1946.[3]


  1. "Dragutin Anastasijević". Serbian Academy of Science and Arts. Retrieved 6 August 2011.
  2. Zbornik Matice srpske za književnost i jezik, Књига 36. Novi Sad, Serbia: Matica srpska. 1988. p. 227. Retrieved 6 August 2011. a kada je srpska vojska okupirala Albaniju, Anastasijević je isprva bio postavljen za tumača za Grčki jezik, a posle je postao i načelnik Dračkog okruga... When Serbian army occupied Albania he was at first engaged as translator for Greek language and later he was appointed as governor of Durres county
  3. "Dragutin Anastasijević". Serbian Academy of Science and Arts. Retrieved 6 August 2011. САНУ: редовни члан (Одељења друштвених наука) од 22. III 1946.