Dr Manmohan Singh Scholarship

St John's College heraldic shield

The Dr Manmohan Singh Scholarship is an international award for study at St John's College at the University of Cambridge. They are PhD standard scholarships for prospective Indian PhD students awarded by the College. The award was designed to benefit academically bright Indian students from economically disadvantaged backgrounds, and is administered by the College. The Scholarship is named in honor of Manmohan Singh, a former student of the College and Former Prime Minister of India, who is widely acknowledged as the architect of the economic reforms that have helped propel India onto the world stage.[1][2][3]

Scholarship subject award areas

The awards are for study towards doctoral degrees in the following subjects:


The idea for this award was suggested by Ab Banerjee who is a former Johnian. Banerjee also worked on this plan and attended a few dinners with Manmohan Singh. The scholarship programme has been funded by BP, Rolls-Royce, Hardeep Rai (a St John's College alumnus) and two anonymous sponsors.[4]

Eligibility Criteria

The applicant should be:

Award Value

The scholarships award value areas are:

Award winners

The first time awardees (October 2008) in this scholarship's history are:[5]

The second time awardees (October 2009) of scholarship are:[6]

The third time awardees (October 2010) of scholarship are:

The fourth time awardees (October 2011) of scholarship are[7]

The fifth time awardees (September 2012) of scholarship are[4]

The sixth time awardees were declared in August 2013. [8][9]

The seventh time awardee was declared in May 2014.

See also


External links