

Last sheaf. Russia. Photos of the early 20th century
Also called Russian: Обжинки 'Obzhinki'; Belarusian: Прачыстая 'Prachystaya'; Czech: Dožínky; Dormition
Observed by Slavic people
Significance The end of the harvest crops

August 15 (28). In some regions of Russia Dozhinki rites performed September 8 (21)

or September 14 (27).
Alfred Wierusz-Kowalski. Dożynki. Poland, 1910

Dozhinki (Ukrainian: Обжинки 'Obzhynky', Polish: Dożynki, Russian: Обжинки 'Obzhinki'; Belarusian: Прачыстая 'Prachystaya'; Czech: Dožínky; Dormition) is a Slavic harvest festival. Dozhinki (only as phonetic transcription) characterized primarily for the East and West Slavic tradition, at the end of the celebration of the South Slavs shifted to grain harvesting period threshing grain.[1]

In Russia

It is the ethnolinguistic phenomenon in the history the day of the Russian National Calendar and the completion of the harvest ritual, falling in many places August 15 (28), in other places celebrated in September. By mid-August harvest grain ends, hence the name of the holiday. Includes the rituals associated with last (dozhinochnym) sheaf, the ritual of "curling beard" and a celebratory meal.

Almost lost in Russia at the Soviet period.[2] In the post-Soviet period this folk tradition in some countries has been recreated as an official holiday.

In Poland

Harvest Festival in Poland has been celebrated after the harvest since the time of the feudal systems. In the present-day in Poland was created (1929) official The Presidential Harvest Festival,[3] in Czech Republic — Czech Harvest Festival “The Dožínky”,[4] etc.

See also


Wikimedia Commons has media related to Dozhinki.
  1. Усачёва В. В. Обжинки // Славянские древности: Этнолингвистический словарь в 5-ти томах / Под ред. Н. И. Толстого; Институт славяноведения РАН. — М.: Международные отношения, 2004. — Т. 3. — С. 448-452. — ISBN 5-7133-1207-0 (Russian).
  2. Christel Lane. The Rites of Rulers: Ritual in Industrial Society - the Soviet Case. — Cambridge: CUP Archive, 1981 — ISBN 0-521-22608-2 — P. 124
  3. President of the Republic of Poland official web page
  4. Dožínky Festival — 25th Annual Czech Harvest Festival (09.19.2009 - 09.19.2009) //