Down (comics)

Publication information
Publisher Image Comics
Format Limited series
    Publication date 2005-2006
    Number of issues 4
    Creative team
    Writer(s) Warren Ellis
    Penciller(s) Cully Hamner
    Tony Harris
    Inker(s) Cully Hamner
    Ray Snyder
    Dexter Vines
    Collected editions
    Down ISBN 2756004359

    Down is a four-issue American comic book limited series published in late 2005 and early 2006, by Top Cow Productions, an imprint of Image Comics. The series was written by Warren Ellis and illustrated by Cully Hamner and Tony Harris.

    Down tells the story of an undercover cop, sent on an unofficial mission to deal with a fellow officer who "went native" when infiltrating a drugs gang.


    External links