

Several varieties of douchi and douchi products
Chinese 豆豉
Hanyu Pinyin dòuchǐ
Cantonese Jyutping dau6si6

Douchi (Chinese: 豆豉, Pinyin: dòuchǐ, Jyutping: dau6si6) is a type of fermented and salted black soybean. In English, it is known as fermented black soybeans, Chinese fermented black beans (Chinese: 黑豆豆豉, Pinyin: hēidòu dòuchǐ, Jyutping: hak1dau6 dau6si6), salted black beans, salty black beans, or just "black beans". They are a flavoring] most popular in the cuisine of China, where they are most widely used for making black bean sauce.[1]

Douchi is made by fermenting and salting black soybeans. The black type soybean is most commonly used and the process turns the beans soft, and mostly dry (if the beans are allowed to dry). Regular soybeans (white soybeans) are also used, but this does not produce "salted black beans"; instead, these beans become brown. The flavor is sharp, pungent, and spicy in smell, with a taste that is salty and somewhat bitter and sweet . The product made with white soybeans is another product called mianchi (麪豉; miànchǐ).

The process and product are similar to ogiri and iru, both being African fermented bean products .

Douchi, "Chinese salted black beans", and "black soybeans" should not be confused with the black turtle bean, a variety of common bean that is commonly used in the cuisines of Central America, South America, and the Caribbean.


Fermented black soybeans are the oldest-known food made from soybeans. In 165 BCE they were placed, clearly marked, in Han Tomb No. 1 at Mawangdui in South Central China. The tomb was sealed in about 165 BCE and was first opened in 1972.[1] The high-ranking lady to whom the undisturbed tomb belonged was probably the wife of the first Marquis of Tai .

In 90 BCE, in the Shiji (Simplified: 史记;traditional: 史記; pinyin: Shǐjì; Jyutping: Si2gei3), or the Records of the Grand Historian' by Sima Qian, Chapter 69 refers to 1,000 earthenware vessels of mold-fermented cereal grains and salty fermented soybeans (shi). They were now an important commodity in China. When the prince of Huainan (legendary inventor of tofu) was exiled for inciting rebellion (in 173 BCE) against his brother, the Han Emperor Wendi, he and his retinue were, nevertheless, provided with such necessities of life as firewood, rice, salt, shi (fermented black soybeans), and cooking utensils. Note that the date 173 BCE is before Han Tomb No. 1 at Mawangdui was sealed.


It is used as an ingredient for mapo tofu. Douchi is also used to flavor fish or stir-fried vegetables (particularly bitter melon and leaf vegetables). Unlike some other fermented soybean-based foods such as natto or tempeh, douchi is used only as a seasoning, and is not meant to be consumed in large quantities, being typically much saltier.

Small packets of douchi are available wherever Chinese foods are sold.

Some common dishes made with douchi are steamed spare ribs with fermented black beans and chili pepper (豉椒排骨), and braised mud carp with fermented black beans (豆豉鯪魚).

Around the world

Fermented black soybeans are ancient traditional foods, used as condiments and seasonings in many East Asian countries, where they are known by a variety of names.[1]

In Japanese, douchi is also referred to as daitokuji natto, hamanatto, hamananatto, shiokara-natto, and tera-natto, sometimes using the same kanji (豆豉), similar kanji (豆鼓) or completely different kanji; however, they are almost never known by their Chinese name.
In Korea, a similar black bean sauce made from roasted soy beans called chunjang is used in the famous jjajangmyeon. It was first introduced by Chinese settlers in Incheon in the early 20th century; chunjang has made several changes and evolutionary steps over time.
In Vietnam, this sauce is called tàu xì or đậu xị and is made from the black soybean.
In Cambodia, douchi is also referred to as seang, or fermented salted bean, in the Khmer language, and is a common recipe. It is often used with fermented salted fish also known as prahok.
In Philippine cuisine, it is called tawsi in Cebuan and Tagalog, both derived from the Lan-nang tāu-sīⁿ (豆豉). It is often used when steaming fish.
In Chinese Indonesian cuisine it is called tausi which derived from its Hokkien name. It is usually used in kakap tahu tausi, which is stir-fried red snapper, tofu and douchi black beans.
Latin America
In Spanish-speaking parts of Latin America, douchi are commonly referred to as tausí or tau-sí.

Black bean paste

In Chinese cuisine, a cooking sauce called black bean paste, black bean sauce,[2] or black bean garlic sauce (蒜蓉豆豉酱) is made from douchi, garlic, and soy sauce, a typical combination used for seasoning a dish. This paste is commercially available in glass jars, although most Chinese restaurant chefs prefer to use actual douchi to prepare such sauces rather than using commercially available black bean paste .

See also


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Shurtleff, W.; Aoyagi, A History of Fermented Black Soybeans (165 B.C. to 2011). Lafayette, California: Soyinfo Center, 2011
  2. BBC - Food - Blackbean sauce recipes