Double Agent (1987 film)

Double Agent (1987)
Directed by Michael Vejar
Produced by Mark H. Ovitz
Written by Howard Friedlander
Ken Peragine
Craig W. Van Sickle
Steven Long Mitchell
Starring Michael McKean
Susan Walden
Christopher Burton
Judith Jones
Lloyd Bochner
Alexa Hamilton
Del Zamora
John Putch
Jane A. Johnston
Lois January
Saveli Kramarov
Allan Kolman
Big John Studd
Music by Alf Clausen
Cinematography Fred J. Koenekamp
Distributed by Buena Vista Television
Release dates
March 29, 1987
Running time
88 min
Country  United States
Language English

Double Agent (1987) was a made for TV film from Walt Disney Television directed by Michael Vejar. It starred Michael McKean, Susan Walden, Christopher Burton, Judith Jones, Lloyd Bochner, Alexa Hamilton, Del Zamora, John Putch, Jane A. Johnston, Lois January, Saveli Kramarov, Allan Kolman, and Big John Studd. Double Agent was first telecast March 29, 1987, on The Disney Sunday Movie series.


Jason Starr is an international spy. While on a mission there was an altercation and Jason disappears. His boss Vaughn then goes to his twin brother Warren Starbinder, a veterinarian, and asks him to pose as Jason so to complete his mission. Warren agrees to do so but the talk will not be easy since he is not a spy. Warren also cannot tell his wife and family what he's doing which makes it hard for him to explain the peculiar ways he is now behaving.

References in film

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