Double (manifold)

For the equipment used to connect two air cylinders in SCUBA diving, see Manifold (scuba).

In the subject of manifold theory in mathematics, if M is a manifold with boundary, its double is obtained by gluing two copies of M together along their common boundary.[1] Precisely, the double is M \times \{0,1\} / \sim where (x,0) \sim (x,1) for all x \in \partial M.

Although the concept makes sense for any manifold, and even for some non-manifold sets such as the Alexander horned sphere, the notion of double tends to be used primarily in the context that \partial M is non-empty and M is compact.

Doubles bound

Given a manifold M, the double of M is the boundary of M \times [0,1]. This gives doubles a special role in cobordism.


The n-sphere is the double of the n-ball. In this context, the two balls would be the upper and lower hemi-sphere respectively. More generally, if M is closed, the double of M \times D^k is M \times S^k. Even more generally, the double of a disc bundle over a manifold is a sphere bundle over the same manifold. More concretely, the double of the Möbius strip is the Klein bottle.

If M is a closed, oriented manifold and if M' is obtained from M by removing an open ball, then the connected sum M \mathrel{\#} -M is the double of M'.

The double of a Mazur manifold is a homotopy 4-sphere.[2]


  1. Lee, John (2012), Introduction to Smooth Manifolds, Graduate Texts in Mathematics 218, Springer, p. 226, ISBN 9781441999825.
  2. Aitchison, I. R.; Rubinstein, J. H. (1984), "Fibered knots and involutions on homotopy spheres", Four-manifold theory (Durham, N.H., 1982), Contemp. Math. 35, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, pp. 1–74, doi:10.1090/conm/035/780575, MR 780575. See in particular p. 24.