Dorsami Naidu

Dorsami Naidu is a Fijian lawyer and politician. On 29 July 2005, he announced his intention to resign as President of the National Federation Party (NFP) at the party conference on the 31 July. He being the President of the Then India Sanmarga Ikya Sangam (TISI), a Hindu organization for Indo-Fijians of South Indian descent from 2001 till 2012 for a reign of 11 years fruitful to his envisioned. After founding the Sangam School of Nursing in Labasa Fiji.

Naidu took over the leadership of the NFP, once the main political party appealing to the Indo-Fijian community, when it was in a state of disarray following its poor showing in the parliamentary elections of 1999 and 2001. Naidu had a reputation as a dynamic organizer who undertook a major drive to rejuvenate the party and broaden its appeal to indigenous Fijians, women, and the disadvantaged. In mid-2005, he was at the forefront of a major campaign against a controversial bill being promoted by the Fijian government, that aims to establish a Commission with the power to compensate victims and pardon perpetrators of the civilian coup d'état which deposed the elected government in May 2000.

Announcing his resignation, Naidu commented on the party's general secretary, Pramod Rae, for going public with calls for him to step down. The NFP was not a media-led party, he said, and he was "disappointed and hurt" that Rae had gone to the media despite a private assurance from Naidu that he would resign soon. Rae should have called a meeting of the executive board before making such a unilateral decision, Naidu said. On 31 July, the party conference elected Raman Pratap Singh to replace him.

Naidu declared that he still supported the NFP, and that he would remain available to them if ever called upon.

Naidu reiterated that he would remain a supporter of the NFP, despite his "betrayal" by a number of party officials.

In 2009 Naidu, by then president of the Fijian Law Society till date 2014, was arrested and released without charge for speaking against the recently coup d'état government of Fiji.[1]
