
Doonby is an independent film written and directed by Peter Mackenzie and produced by Michael Mackenzie, Mark Joseph and Tommy Warren. It stars John Schneider, Jenn Gotzon, Ernie Hudson, Jennifer O'Neill, Will Wallace, Robert Davi, and Joe Estevez. Schneider plays Sam Doonby, a mysterious, yet talented drifter who gets off a bus one afternoon in a small Texas town to change and improve the lives of all he comes in contact with. It is a story of greed and envy, played out against the backdrop of the classic country and blues music that is performed in Leroy’s Bar.[1] The film has been described by the producers as Crazy Heart-meets-It's A Wonderful Life, while Schneider described it as "It's A Wonderful Life without the Wonderful."[2]

The film was shot on location in Smithville, Texas, and previewed during the 64th annual 2011 Cannes Film Festival.[3][4] It received a limited release in February 2012 to be followed by wider release in the US during the spring.,[5] The film was given wide release on February 17, 2012 by Freestyle Releasing[6]


  1. "John Schneider: Checking In From The Set Of My New Movie Doonby". 2010-05-08. Retrieved 2012-02-26.
  2. "Do You Know Who This Woman Is?". The Hollywood Reporter. 2011-05-05. Retrieved 2012-02-26.
  3. "Doonby wraps, producer talks". The Smithville Times. 2010-07-27. Retrieved 2012-02-26.
  4. "Doonby, Set to Release in Theaters". 2012-02-16. Retrieved 2012-02-26.

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