Donncha Mac Con Iomaire

Donncha Mac Con Iomaire is an Irish television producer, sailor and presenter.

Mac Con Iomaire is director of Léirithe DMCI, producing multiple programmes including the series Turas Húicéara, Cladaigh Chonamara and Maidhm na Muintire. He was Production Manager on Seó Spóirt, on TG4, for two seasons. He was also a presenter on the reality sailing series, Scaoil Seoil.

A sailor for over twenty-five years, he has experience in Irish and international waters. He reconstructed a one hundred and forty-three year old Galway Hooker, An Lady Mór, in Derry, Northern Ireland. The experience was recorded for the BBC.

Mac Con Iomaire has acted at An Taibhdhearc na Gaillimhe. He is the brother of Rónán Mac Con Iomaire and a son of Tomás Mac Con Iomaire.

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