Djedi Project

The Djedi Project is intended to explore the interior of the Great Pyramid of Giza and pyramid Temple 20 at Palenque.[1] The project team is made up of international and Egyptian experts. The name derived from Djedi, the ancient Egyptian magician consulted by Pharaoh Khufu when planning his famous pyramid. As Dr. Zahi Hawass announced on his blog: "The purpose of this project is to send a robotic tunnel explorer into the two “air shafts” that lead from the Queen's Chamber of the Great Pyramid of Khufu to gather evidence to determine the purpose of the shafts."

The team is managed by University of Leeds and supported by Dassault Systemes in France.

A detailed report of the project can be found on the web.

Team members

The team[2][3] includes:

The team has made preliminary studies of the airshafts in July and December 2009, and continued its work in 2011.


Details of the Djedi Team Robot:[4]


Small red markings were found inside the room. Also, the back of the door was filmed, which showed 2 metal handles.[5]

Work on the project was published in the Journal of Field Robotics, doi:10.1002/rob.21451.[6] The publication covers the development of the robotic system and includes photographs taken of markings within the shafts.

See also

Sources and references