Discrete valuation

In mathematics, a discrete valuation is an integer valuation on a field K, that is a function

\nu:K\to\mathbb Z\cup\{\infty\}

satisfying the conditions

\nu(x\cdot y)=\nu(x)+\nu(y)
\nu(x)=\infty\iff x=0

for all x,y\in K.

Note that often the trivial valuation which takes on only the values 0,\infty is explicitly excluded.

A field with a non-trivial discrete valuation is called a discrete valuation field.

Discrete valuation rings and valuations on fields

To every field with discrete valuation \nu we can associate the subring

\mathcal{O}_K := \left\{ x \in K \mid \nu(x) \geq 0 \right\}

of K, which is a discrete valuation ring. Conversely, the valuation \nu: A \rightarrow \Z\cup\{\infty\} on a discrete valuation ring A can be extended in a unique way to a discrete valuation on the quotient field K=\text{Quot}(A); the associated discrete valuation ring \mathcal{O}_K is just A.


More examples can be found in the article on discrete valuation rings.
