Disc (galaxy)

This article is about the flat disc component of a galaxy. For the type of galaxy with discs, see disc galaxy.
The Sculptor Galaxy (NGC 253) is an example of a disc galaxy

A disc is a component of disc galaxies, such as spiral galaxies, or lenticular galaxies.

The galactic disc is the plane in which the spirals, bars and discs of disc galaxies exist. Galaxy discs tend to have more gas and dust, and younger stars than galactic bulges, or galactic haloes.

The galactic disc is mainly composed of gas, dust and stars. The gas and dust component of the galactic disk is called the gaseous disk. The star component of the galactic disk is called the stellar disk.

Inconsistent orbital velocities of stars

Main article: Galaxy rotation curve

It has been noted that the orbital velocity of stars in the disc of most disc galaxies is inconsistent with the amount of luminous matter calculated for the galaxy. A possible explanation for this problem is the non-luminous dark matter.

See also

Further reading