Dipogon variegatus

Dipogon variegatus
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda
Class: Insecta
Order: Hymenoptera
Suborder: Apocrita
Family: Pompilidae
Genus: Dipogon
Subgenus: Deuteragenia
Species: D. variegatus
Binomial name
Dipogon variegatus
(Linnaeus , 1758)

Deuteragenia faggiolii, Agenia erythropus, Agenia structor[1]

Dipogon variegatus is a Pompilid spider wasp in the subfamily Pepsinae from the Palearctic.


Like the other two British species of Dipogon this is an all black wasp with bifasciate wings. The females can be recognised by transverese wrinkles on the first abdominal segment, in males these are less prominent and the subgenital plate at the tip of the abdomen has long ventral hairs.[2]


Europe and North Africa.[2] In Britain it is mailnly found in England and Wales with scattered records in the south of Scotland and the central Highlands but has not been recorded recently in Ireland.[3]


A wide variety of open habitats including gardens, parksm fields, meadows and coastal heaths.[2]


This species has been recorded has a flight period from May to October in Britain and it seems to exclusively prey on the crab spider Xysticus cristatus. D.variegatus will utilise almost any kind of pre-existing cavity including dead plant stems, dead wood, masonry cavities and even old snail shells. The nest cavity is plugged with sand grains, soil or plant debris which is bound together by spider silk collected by the female using the maxillar bristles which give the genus Dipogon its name. In small cavities single cells may be constructed but if space permits multiple cells will be built.[2]


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  1. http://eunis.eea.europa.eu/species/240743
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 Edwards R. & Broad G. (eds), 2005, Provisional Atlas for the aculeate Hymenoptera of Britain and Ireland, NERC ISBN 1 870393 78 3
  3. http://data.nbn.org.uk/gridMap/gridMap.jsp?allDs=1&srchSpKey=NHMSYS0000875836